Wednesday, February 29, 2012

ALL THE DAYS OF FLOG... a contents page if you will.

All of The Days of FLOG 2012.

Word Count: 13 281 words.

Over and Out.

(FLOG DAY 29.)The Leap Year Thing. The Last Day of Flog

I am really starting to enjoy sitting down every day and making time in order to spend time with my blog. Before I started the whole February blogging thing I never really thought about how nice it is simply to write about nothing in particular, just writing about whatever I want to talk about on a specific day.

Today is the leap year what- is- name- thingy- ma- bob. I only realised at the moment of my typing this post that today is the 'proper' end of my FLOG experience. I would just like to say that I have loved doing this. It was brilliant. There was only one day that I didn't write in but made it up the day after (look at the previous posts to find out which post I am talking about).
I have been looking through all of the stuff that I have written, not a Dickens really but this beloved blog of mine was never meant to be that. This blog is not a prize winning novel... it's more along the lines of a dog eared scrap book that has been used a lot and is stored affectionately in a desk draw with a stash of pens and sketches.

I would like to say that I appreciate not only this blog but you, the person reading this for reading my blog... thanks and all that for taking the time to read the shenanigans. Much appreciated. If you happened to read all of the postings then thank you loads.

Blog ole pal o' mine...

Thank you when I am stuck with writing and I turn to you to get my writing brain cogs working and you get them spinning.

Thank you for helping me to record my life like a diary. I have never properly had a diary. I have tried once or twice but I have never kept it up. This is the longest diary I've had and I hope to carry it on for a very long time in one form or another.

Thank you for introducing me to other blogs that I appreciate. It is as if I am connecting with peoples diaries or brains.

The last day of Flog eh... I hope it has been enjoyable for others as it has been for me. I hope people can take something from the nonsense I have written.

... and if you are interested I would like to do this monthly thing once again this year.

I shall post a picture of Sid tomorrow... a person you may know if you look at previous posts this month.

Thank you Flog 2012. Thanks people for reading whenever they could.

Over and Out.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

(FLOG DAY 28.) If Polygamy Was Introduced To The UK Was The Main Thought..

I am not being serious about any of the stuff that I say here... just lines of thought really.

I had to go out and do a few errands or one today... and these are the things I thought while doing various jobs today.

What would happen if polygamy was introduced to the UK? I have been thinking about all of the countries that allow polygamy and wondered about what it would be like if it became legal in Britain. The main thing that I think would be noticeable about our brand of polygamy is that it would be more modern. For example in some countries you usually hear of one man and loads of other women he is with. In Britain I think it would be different. Firstly instead of just one man and many women Britain would allow one women and many men in cahoots with each... or if you're gay it could mean one man and loads of other men or one woman and loads of other women... or then again if you happen to be bisexual it could mean being polygamous with one man/ woman and loads of women and men.

... confusing.

Here is another question. What would happen if there was a machine in which you could resurrect any dead person from history? Would you even want that to happen? You could get back Einstein and he can carry on with his work. You could resurrect Hitler and actually put him on trial. You could bring back all of your favourite authors and have the ultimate dinner party. I wouldn't mind seeing a Cro Magnon man as well. There is genetic evidence that most people are descended from just one woman that lived thousands of years ago... I would like to meet that woman. You could also resurrect Jimi Hendrix and tell him to write more music. The possibilities are endless. You could rewrite whole history books. It wouldn't be a good idea to have this machine but oh well.

What would happen to you if you took every molecule, every substance, every little bit of matter that has ever existed in the universe and put it into a cup and ate it. What would happen if you ate every single thing that makes up the physical universe... would you blow up or something?... naahhhhhh!

What would happen if creationism was actually real? Existence would be incredibly... tepid.

What would happen if Santa actually existed? People would have searched and found where he lived, captured him, taken him into custody and tried to take all his magic and question him about how he has been living for ages with elves... or they would be asking Santa for a lot more stuff.  Also Santa wouldn't wrap up presents in the same wrapping paper that your parents use.

What would happen if the ceiling collapsed and a panther jumped on you? This is a genuine question that I asked my dad when I was about ten.

Last few days of FLOG!!!

Over and Out.

Monday, February 27, 2012

(FLOG DAY 27.) My Earliest Childhood Memories.

I heard today that Charlotte Church got paid £600 000 for having her phone hacked on the news today... I wouldn't mind if my phone was hacked for that money.

I thought that today I shall talk about child memories. There are three main memories that come to mind from my childhood memory. I remember when I was very young I was sat around the main kitchen table. There was a cake on the table that was covered in cling film and I thought that this was interesting for some reason so I began to poke it. As I poked the cling film I realised that I had poked the cake also and that felt weird. Someone must have taken the cake away but I can't remember much else.

Another childhood memory that I have is that I knew that there were a box of small Mars Bars in one of the cupboards in the kitchen, the type of small Mars Bar things that you find in a box of Celebrations. I decided to climb up and sneak a few then go behind the sofa and eat them. I think I did this over a few days but I was found out because I left all the wrappers behind the sofa.

The last childhood memory is that there were some scissors in the sitting room... there was also a mirror in the room as well which only meant one thing... I would grab the scissors and cut my hair. I think I cut my hair very short and not very well... but at least my parents didn't need to take to the hairdressers.

In other news I have sat on Sid (look at previous post below). He was on the bed and I sat on him so now he is completely deflated... but I will put a picture of him on this blog whenever I can and you will see that he exists... there are a box full of the things downstairs that are going to be sold to raise money for charity (if you have £1 I get you one.

I also went for a good walk today so one more tick on the goal thing I outlined in one of the previous blogs of FLOG.

Over and Out.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

(FLOG 26.) Stories That Exist All Over The Place.

There is a new addition to the family called Sid. He is a rubber little green chick and if you hit him then he flashes with many and varied colours, all the colours that your brain can process.
Has anyone ever seen or felt those rubber balls filled with goo or water and if you squeeze it then there is this big bubble that forms... well it is one of those things except it is shaped like a little chick. I called him Sid because it is a green chick... which makes me think that he has dyed his feathers, making him a (male) punk chick... hence I call him Sid. I'll probably take pictures tomorrow... I just haven't got any cameras around the place at the moment. He's a green, rubber, punk, male chick... and that list makes complete sense.

There are loads of stories out in the immaterial world of my mind and I don't know which one I want to start writing. I think it is an interesting question to ask all writers about all of the stories that they have in their head. Are all stories kind of in their head to begin with or do you develop stories as they write them?

Over the years I have been inventing my own mythology just in my mind and continued to develop it; a mythology that could be use for more than one short story or even a few novels. I will perhaps write a story properly with that mythology.

Stories gush from people endlessly.

Every single person that has ever existed has had stories running through them, humans thrive on stories, not only fictional ones but real ones that have happened throughout their lives. It would be great if a library existed of books that contained the life stories of everyone that has ever walked on the earth... that would be a complete treasure trove.

Over and Out.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

(FLOG DAY 25.) Bad Lip Reading.

"F*** prison, I'm a party rapper, that's how I am."
Mitt Romney.

Did Mitt Romney really say this?... I think I'll leave that one.

I found an instrument today in a pile of my own things. It was one of those pin things, you ting one of the pins and it makes a sound... it reminds you of the Amazon rainforest, that's all I can describe about the sound. I then found my wooden recorder with cool patterns on it. It sounds a bit off when I tooted it for the first time in ages and I didn't know how to play it properly but if you just do random sounds from it really quickly it sounds like... just noise really... but noise that strangely sounds ordered and planned.

"Get the poptart!"
Rick Santorum.

"Hey Ed, why do you keep quoting Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum, the Republican party candidates that are trying to get their mits on the presidency of the United States of America... why Ed?... why? Hey, hey Ed why... why are you quoting Ed?"

Pipe down I'll tell you. I've been looking them up over the past few months... just because really... and to no surprise I didn't like any of them... especially this Rick Santorum. I could have said that Rick Perry was the worst... you should just see his political broadcast. BUT I can kind of forgive Rick Perry for his stupid views of everything because he is a moron and won't win anyway and will have absolutely have no effect with his religious stupidity and homophobia and George Bush eyebrows... Oh but this Santorum fellah... he's a right fascist.

American politics is so amusing. No matter what anyone thinks about our politicians or politicians in general, I am so happy that we have got them instead of the ones in America. I love Americans and America by the way and I don't hold stereotypes or anything like that... it's just the politicians (and Americans are very welcome to take the mick out of the Brits as well... and they do.)

Also I came across a revelation. If one wishes to self- publish... publish on E Book... saves on all that printing shizz and you get your work out there... let's just hope that Ebooks don't take over from books... which they won't. Also I would hope that the day never comes that no one  buys CD's and Vinyl...that would be a travesty.

It is half an hour until the end of the day... on time!

Have a good one... even if you've just happened to fall over and had your face fall onto a cream pie or something like that... or if someone stole your potatoes.

Over and Out.

P.S-- Look at the title. Type that into youtube... that is where I got the quotes from.

Friday, February 24, 2012

(FLOG DAY 24.) I've Been Listening to The Pixies for 15 Minutes Now Read Mah Blog!

"To be born into this earth is to be born into uncongenial surroundings, hence to be born into a romance."

I can't seem to read that Dark Tower book... and I can''t seem to know why I can't start it. I've been distracted three times with other books and haven't fully sat down with a full amount of concentration to read at least three chapters.... other parts of my imagination is distracting me from interacting with other parts of my imagination. It's happened while I was reading other books and it is going to happen again with other books in the future I'm sure. It's imagination procrastination if you will.

During my lunch break from doing work today I went and had a bath... people should do that more often.

Who has heard about Tesco recruiting people to work for free?... I'd do it in my spare time just for the sake of putting one more thing on my CV but apart from that... meh.

Before I wrote this blog I began to look at all of the blogs that I had written this month. The first one seems to have been ages ago. I started to create a contents post that you can't see right now (but you will see at the end of the month when I post it) and it seemed to boggle my mind. I was reminded of all of the things I had done this month, all of the things I had done that I had put on the blogs and all of the things I had done that I hadn't put on the blogs. This month has gone fast but when I am reminded of all the things I have done this months I think it has actually gone slowly.

I turned to my sister sitting beside me and asked what should my main subject be for this blog. She answered,

"Parks and Recreation?"

Fair doos. Sister Hannah introduced me to Parks and Recreation a few days ago when she asked if I wanted to watch an episode of the show on her computer while we both drank tea while we were both free. I quite liked it. I quite like those natural type comedies. I like naturalistic acting... which the yanks have been doing for years ever since they started watching the British Office...

Speaking of Americans someone emailed me today asking me to vote for Ron Paul...

I have been doing some of my goals today that I outlined in my post yesterday.

  • Recited the Raven to myself a few times... in a voice.
  • I got to bed about  twelve... which is about two hours before I usually go to bed.
  • The fact that I learnt today that a person that is a 'tosser' is actually a name for someone who does a certain type of conning magic trick.
  • I hugged one person today.
  • I didn't read that damned Dark Tower book... damn.
  • I didn't go for a walk because I didn't have time but will have an afternoon stroll tomorrow. 
Over and Out.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

(FLOG DAY 23.) 40 Day Goals and Short Post.

Well it is after pancake day and now that whole lent thing is going on. I don't think that lent should be about giving stuff up necessarily... instead it could be used as a tool to better yourself and others around you. For example I shall,

  • Learn the entirety of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe... I am already a third of the way through. 
  •  I shall go to sleep earlier than I usually do every night even when my mind is too active to do so.
  •  Free hugs for anyone that asks for one (just because really)... as long as your not a perve or Hitler.
  •  Learn Facts.
  • Read that DAMN Dark Tower book that I can't seem to pick up.
  • I'm going to walk as much as I can.
  • Other stuff.
You are going to have to forgive me for a short post today in this month long February project but I'm doing stuff and I want an early night tonight.

...But to play me out is this person right here... I can't believe he is making fun of my accent... I think it is very rude of him to do so.

Over and Out.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

(FLOG DAY 22.) The Brit Awards and Rambling... Plus a (Probably Annoying) Opinion or Two.

My sister put on the television to watch the Brit Awards...

I don't mind the Brits... although there should be a greater variety of music.

Some of my friends don't like the Brit awards... usually it doesn't enter my mind to watch it but I watched it with my sister. One of the main arguments against the Brit awards is that all of the artists are mainstream types, paid loads to produce lifeless music... which is true in 'some' cases... but this is my point of view on the whole thing.

...and before I start I wish to stay that I like MANY types of music...

I actually don't mind the Brit Awards in the slightest... in fact I quite like it in parts. Now I'm not one to care about awards nights and who wins what and why with the whole Brit Awards night because music is not about winning awards at all... but...

Adele should not have stolen the awards of Laura Marling and Florence Welch... GREEDY! (What do you mean greedy Ed... it wasn't Adele's decision!... 'Yeah, yeah I know that'...I would reply to you if you happened to ask that.) I recognise the talent of Adele I suppose but she already has loads of awards anyway.
Oh yeah and why the hell wasn't Lissie Maurus invited to shake the place up a bit!

Now in the whole mainstream non- specialised, non- underground type world that I glimpse I see a few musicians out there that are well liked, not because they suit the tastes of many people but because they are very good, unique and new... and write music not to please others. I consider Laura Marling, Florence Welch and Lissie Maurus to be the best musicians out there that are acceptable to the mainstream culture but are very good and not just recycled clone- like shadows of greatness.

I love music in all of its forms and genre's. I like to have a good palate of music in all its diversity and I do not have anything against the mainstream or mainstream tastes... well maybe a bit anyway (although they have a lot to learn from many of the creative and wonderful subcultures that they sometimes steal ideas from)... I do not hate something just because it is mainstream... that is obviously very silly.

The mainstream tends to get a lot of flack because of the motivations for many mainstream type groups and artists... music for money (doesn't matter if it hasn't got any soul in it, as long as it makes money says some of the mainstream). This is a bad thing... in my eyes. There is a lot of magic that music gives you and you won't find it in certain mainstream musicians out there because they are trying to suit their music to others and not themselves. Music that comes from real human expression and is fantastic is a bonus if it is much loved.

...I am rambling  but Flo Welch, Liss Maurus and Lau...ra Marling should have won awards. I think that the main difference between the mainstream and other music is that the mainstream artists think about how their music will please others (which is fine if done correctly) and other types of music think about how their music will please themselves (in a non selfish way... simply writing music because they need to get something out there) and not about if it will make money. Also the musicians should love what they do and not just be in it for the money... again like a few of those musicians out there.

One last thing I will say about the Brit awards is that they should bring more specialised music in at least on the side in order to represent all the diverse types of music that exist all around Britain.
The Brit Awards should represent all British music in some way... ALL British music in all of its varied glory and differing taste and not just the chart stuff... it would be good if different types of music could be at least mentioned in passing.
Britain is diverse and it should be shown in the music that is presented at the awards.

The mainstream should recognise the subcultures, the lesser mainstream music that allows music to evolve and change, music that comes from real life... the music that not all people like but yet are incredibly influential and important to the world.

Just thoughts. Don't take seriously.

Bu- bu- bu- bubu- bubu- bye.

Over and Out.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

(FLOG DAY 21.) Memories on My Wrist and My Little Finger.

I thought I would talk about memories today. On my left hand little finger I wear a mood ring that I found a year ago while at home in a little drawer in my room. We had not seen each other since I went to the Overstrand coast with my family when I was about twelve or somewhere around that time. What I do remember is that I bought it during the month of August. When I found it again I have been wearing it every day. It has tiny dents and I'm not sure if it works properly but I still like to wear it.

On my left wrist I wear a friendship bracelet with small bits of wooden and metal beads. I got this when my twin sister went and had a holiday in Spain. Months after she came back she went up to me and gave me the bracelet, saying that she had bought similar bracelets as a present for myself, my Mum and even for herself. I have worn that every day even though there is a small bit of wear and tear on one part of the string.

On my right wrist I have a wrist warmer with a purple pentagram on it that I got from my mate Dave when we were both in secondary school together. I can't remember what reason he gave me it but I have been wearing it on and off for years. There are small spots of dried orange paint on it from the time that I helped to paint the outside of my uncles house sometime last year.

Lastly wrapped around the wrist warmer is is a rubber bracelet that has the word "S.O.P.H.I.E" written in large letters. This is not a name but in fact stands for,
"Stamp. Out. Prejudice. Hatred. (and) Intolerance. Everywhere."
When I was last at Download Festival (it knackers you out sleeping in tents. I'm the type of person that needs at least an hour or so of alone time every day to contemplate, read or do my own thing and it is always hard to get that when you are expected to socialise all the time. I still love going though) I went to get water from the big tap things that you get for festivals and then heard the sound of the fairground so I thought I would walk around for a bit. While I was passing some of the stalls a young woman came up to me and said whether I would donate. She tried to explain what the charity was but I gave her £1 because I already knew what it was. After I had donated she gave me the rubber bracelet and I slipped it on and continued to explore. I've been putting it on every morning ever since.

I think that one of the main  and good reasons people have tattoos is because they not only represent something but they also are keys to memories. You can sit down with someone and learn a lot about them just by them showing their tattoos to you, what the tattoos represent or what life memory a tattoo represents. It is the same reason I wear a ring or a friendship bracelet or two. Humans thrive on symbols and all these things are not only decorative but they also have a souls to them, a part of yourself that has been placed in them. I wear bracelets, a wrist warmer and a ring for the same reason that people have tattoos.

I can't wait to get more memories and symbols to wear on myself. Good bits and bobs, especially ones you can put on you.

Over and Out.

Monday, February 20, 2012

(FLOG DAY 20.)The Poem. An Odyssey of the Unreal... Or Is It Real?

"There is no such thing as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person."

My sister went back to Liverpool today and she left her birthday cake here... you know what I mean?

I was waiting for my dad to send over some sort of document so that I could type it up in letter form for him and to pass the time I logged onto Twitter. I looked at the screen.There was a Twitter message to me... from Keith Richards.

For a second or so I was was spazzing in my mind. Why would Keith Richards send me a message? He said,
"Thanks for the follow. Please like this link..."... and he linked me to some irrelevant website page.

Dammit Keith. Don't use spamming robots or your 'staff' to advertise stuff.

A few blogs ago I was about to copy down a poem I had written using this technique from the link below,

I didn't post it though but I'm going to post it on this post because I'm pretty proud of the outcome.

It doesn't have a name but here it is...

The burns the fire in flicker
Grey is the matter of waste that sets the rising sun
Welcome are the sphincters that grow along the bowel of the oak tree
All the work is being undone.

Around a when encircling the Man
Nail rusted execution upon the heart of the leaf
Light undisturbed is life that is not made
No longer age of belief.

Creatures wriggle inside the Mass
And the scythes grips cleansing nourshment consume
The wrinkling from the earthly mother
Descending into the earth's womb.

I timed myself and it took me three and a bit minutes to get all these random words from the top of my head to make this poem. I didn't plan to write about a tree but it just happened that my unconscious wanted me to do so or sumfink. Why did my unconscious decide to use a tree as a metaphor for stuff? I'm not going to say what I think my poem is about because I want you to make your own interpretation and make it relevant to you.
One good thing about obscure sentences is that it is more likely that you are able  to apply the poems, prose, song lyrics or whatever to your own life without having to think about the life of the person that wrote the thing. I can remember a quote that I read once from Oscar Wilde in which he said something like, a work of art is when the artist is overshadowed by the work they have written... that probably sounded nothing like the quote but you know what I mean.  It is almost as if the art is independent of the artist.

... All of this stuff has reminded me that I still have got any further with the Dark Tower book. I'm off to go and make some food.

Thank you. It's been a pleasure to blog today... just don't breath so loudly next time... it distracts me while I'm blogging.

Over and Out.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

(FLOG DAY 19.) The Second Day of the Birthday Celebrations (Read Previous Blog to Get Whole Story).

"... the world is but a great Bedlam, where those that are more mad, lock up those that are less..."

Yo bro or lady!

We all woke up and the celebrations commenced. Mainly the day involved eating a lot of food... again. Our Nan came around to make sure that both hers and my sisters birthdays were celebrated on the same day.
We ate a proper Sunday dinner and then we sat down as the pink, flowery, big cake were lit by mini sparklers... which is not to my personal taste but each to their own.

My brother and Claude went up into the attic do some plumbing. Both were reading up on plumbing so they both thought that they could both help or fix the current shower problems. Thanks to the two of them everything will be fine with the whole plumbing. My brother Tom seemed proud to use his tools not only on the car but on the mechanics that are up in the attic (I don't even know what is up there... I've lived in the house for years and I have not been up there once.)

...The rest of us sat down, continued to eat... and... did... absolutely... nothing.

We did other things throughout the day but that is the basic activities we did.

I am now sat down with both sisters, typing up this blog and hoping that no one nicks all of the sweets that I left in another room... I am very willing to share them but not when all I am left with is a little speck of sugar on my outstretched index finger. A film is coming out next year about a story like that, a story about a young man whose sweets are all eaten by his family and he has to go on a journey of self discovery by taking them to court... the film is meant to be in the style of the Iron Lady and all those Oscar winning type films.

I can also do what is on the video but not as well... and by that I mean I can raise both eyebrows independent of each other... but not to music.

Not much to be say to be honest... that is partly why I put the video in this blog. It's a hard lark thinking of interesting stuff to write with a blog post every day in February.

Also I want to do a review of The Woman in Black by the end of the month.

What's that?... Well of course I'm writing a blog post tomorrow.
So until then adieu. See you on the flip side.

Over and Out.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

(FLOG DAY 18.) My Sister Celebrates Her Birthday.

I was with the family today, sitting round the table, watching my sister Mary open her birthday presents. She got a teddy, perfume, a handbag, wine... uh... and all the other stuff. One of her presents was to go out for a meal with my my brother, sister, her and myself sometime in the future. Here are the picture of her presents...

One of the presents she got was simply a lottery ticket. I wonder what would happen if she actually won.
She is now 21 years old and so now she is a proper adult according to my parents. Special birthdays mean only one thing. Lot's of food and birthday cake. The table was set for the entire day and I was waiting for the moment when we could all sit down and eat all the special food.

Eventually Uncle Barry and his partner Claude came as well as Mary's boyfriend and we all sat down for a meal.

We had steak veg, salmon, new potatoes, peas, mushrooms and salad. All good stuff.

My Nan is coming tomorrow because she shares her birthday with my sister (just as I share my birthday with my twin sister and my Mum).

Everyone is staying at the Astill household tonight. The birthday celebrations continue tomorrow...

This blog is nearly late... it is only half an hour until 12 o'clock... close one.

Over and Out.

Friday, February 17, 2012

(FLOG DAY 17.) I Accidentally Read Other Stuff Instead of The Dark Tower.

"Unicorns aren't mythical creatures, they're horses dressed as landsharks."


I have not got any further with the Dark Tower books but have strayed back to the Gothic/ Supernatural with a few short ghost stories; 'A Legion Marches By' by John Hynam, 'Lost Hearts' by M.R James and 'Turnley Abbey' by Perceval Landon... all of which are fantastic. The word for them isn't scary but chilling.
There is a good story I read recently called 'Never Wake the Dead' which would be an amazing story for oral storytellers... and I believe that the story was by an anonymous author but it says its is attributed to be written by Johann Ludwig Tieck.

I have also picked up a book called 'The Air Loom Gang: The Strange and True story of James Tilly Matthews' by Mike Jay. James Tilly Matthews was a madman that lived in the 1700's and was in Bedlam Madhouse. He believed there was a machine called the Air Loom and it worked by animal magnetism,

"sending invisible rays to control the mind of its victims, forcing thoughts into their heads."

The machine was meant to be controlling a few politicians and generals in order to plunge Britain and France into war. It sounds like it is going to be a good read.

More to read for Ed.

Good- O.

(This post is short- ish because I have to go and do something that you may or may not find out about tomorrow.)

Peace out. Be Good. Aww yeahhh!!!

Over and Out.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

(FLOG DAY 16.) I Am A Walker Between Two Pubs and the Canal.

This is for FLOG DAY 15 as well.

I think that the Day 15 post below is an absolute masterpiece! Don't deny it!

Well I was at home doing the usual jobs of writing up stuff for voluntary work when the door bell rang and I was greeted by my mate Munchy (who is really called Tom but we call him Munch) who came into the house. I finished my work, we talked for a bit and then went out for a walk (it sounded like I was a gangster and I was going to 'go for a walk' with Munchy... bang bang. Don't worry I didn't kill Munch.)Munch had brought a really old fashioned camera that looked like it was from the 1970's and only took pictures in black and white so we went down to the river as he climbed on the loch (or lock gate, I don't know how loch is spelt in terms of canals) and took pictures for  a bit. Apparently the camera was Russian which lead me to to say something that may other people would have said,

"In Soviet Russia, camera take picture of you."

We then sat down and chatted at one of the local pubs called the Old Plough, talking about nothing in particular and then after a drink there we went to the White Horse which was next to the Plough to hang out for a bit there. Now here comes the reason for why I didn't write a blog post yesterday. Technically I could have written a blog post yesterday but it would seem weird saying,

"Hey Munch, is it alright if we both go back to my house so I can write a blog post and then come back here after I have written it." i just continued to sit on the comfortable sofas chatting, looking outside the window every so often , taking sips from my cider.

Here is a quick fact. The first time that I had an entire pint of beer was about ten months ago in Derby. Beer tastes awful, bitter and bad tasting. Anything sweet is good for me. Ed is a sweet tooth kinda guy.

My other friend Dave came after a while and we sat on the same sofas again. While we were talking we happened to get into conversation with this other dude who was sitting with his friend and was a Jimmy Page lookalike to a tea.
I happened to find out that Dave had started up his own Internet business with three of his other friends, quitting his job... well lah de dah thought I. We then went to my house and watched a film... and it was Dave's choice so he picked The Matrix. Then they both stayed over for the night and we all fell asleep in the lounge on the seats with covers over us because there was no room in my room.

... and now on to today which which is FLOG DAY 16.
I was awoken by Dave standing over me, poking me in the side. I got up after a few moments of prodding, Munchy and Dave talking really loudly, pulling off my covers and so forth. I got up and made a warm drink but after they left I snoozed a bit more (sneaky, sneaky) while they went out to a 16th century type cafe called Mrs Bridges... people may know this place. They put bacon in with salad and it fills you right up. Their elderflower cordial obviously isn't as good as the one that my family make... you'll just have to trust me on that one.
And for the rest of the day I have been doing the boring stuff that every British citizen has to do.

I shall write tomorrow and it will be delicious, capacious even.
Over and Out.

(FLOG 15.) I was doing something that caused me to yadda yadda blah blah blah.

The reason that this is a day late is because look at the blog post over this one.
I shall put two days worth of blog in one post.
I'm writing this days post on the post above this one.

Over and Out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

(FLOG DAY 14.) C'mere Black Annis. Stop Digging Into Sandstone Cliffs.

Today I found the new shoes that I got at Christmas. I had not worn these since I last saw an old friend of mine a few weeks back. It was these shoes that had caused my friend to send me a tweet a day after visiting him (I tweet now apparently) that read,

"Retribution come the morrow my good friend."

Other words were used like "Swift" and "Bloody"... but I assumed he meant that I was bloody swift with the thing I had done with my shoes.

Don't worry it wasn't anything terrible that I did with my shoes... the water has long evaporated off them now, they are completely dry and they smell of washing up liquid and summers day. The event in which my shoes were a major part involved something called Kraken, Hawaii Five O and me taking my shoes off... and I haven't watched the program since (or before) the event.

 Last afternoon I had just posted yesterdays blog post and for some reason I thought I would press the "New Post" button for no other reason than to write (FLOG DAY 14) in the title bit. I wrote the day number for what is today but was tomorrow yesterday, stared at the screen for about ten seconds... and then wrote an entire plan for a short story. I wrote lots of words, stopped writing and then wondered where that burst of creative energy came from.

There was a tingling in my fingers... then a surge of energy rising up from somewhere... and then the energy burst through my fingers. The entire story plan is stored in draft form in the backstage of this blog. It was one of those moments when I had to write. It felt as if knowing that you want to stretch but deciding not to do it... eventually your going to have a stretch or you'll start to feel a bit fidgety.

In other news I have found recently that there is a local legend in my home village. It's about an ancient dog that walks through the alleyways. I have no idea why some timeless celestial dog from beyond the realms of the material plane would decide to walk through the alleyways of the area. The place has it's charms I suppose. Another legend that I have learnt is that of the Black Annis, a bogeyman type figure from Leicester. Apparently she has iron claws that she uses to dig into sandstone cliffs.

Last but not least, here is a thought that came to my mind today,

Whenever you are writing a piece of work don't ever feel reluctant to show people. ALWAYS think this in your head,

"Sod it. I'll just put it in the world anyway."

You never know. You may be depriving people of a piece of work that could potentially change someone or something for the better one way or another.

End of the post.

Over and Out.

Monday, February 13, 2012

(FLOG DAY 13.) Bye Car, Random Writing Again.

"The Ivory Leg is what propels me
Harpoons thrust in the sky
Aim directly for his crooked brow
And look him straight in the eye."

Well that quote sounded good...

A big truck thing came and took the car that I helped my brother out with in the last blog. My brother was taking out every bit of petrol from it to be used in his car. A few weeks ago the car that was taken away was hit in the back and couldn't be fixed professionally or by my Carhead brother so the only thing it could be used for was scrap. I stood by the upstairs window and gave it a wave goodbye. It's the same reason some people say goodbye to their house when they are moving to another one. 

Very soon I may be known as, "Ed Astill: Clerical Officer." I'll know within the week. Woo! Onwards and upwards as they say.

Also the snow is pretty much gone now apart from a few small specks left. Snow is an adventure, adventure is nice, so snow is nice.

While you are filling in forms sometimes, as you know, you have to fill in the Equal Opportunities Form. I think this is a good idea of course but I keep thinking that if I put myself down as a certain type of minority then I wonder if I will have a better chance of being accepted. Oh well, I still agree with the form so I'll just write in all the relevant slots.

A few blogs ago I wrote about a writing exercise that I did in which I write the first words that come to my head. I did this again but did a poem... and it turned out alright. I then seemed to have drawn a picture of a tree under it. But this is the poem that came directly from my unconscious writing,

(I'm sorry I did this again but I edited it out. I thought that there might steal and I'm quite proud of it. I seemed to have written a poem about a tree with vines hanging around it.)

It's annoying for me when poets write poems and you haven't got a clue what they are going on about, but the poet does because what they write is significant and meaningful to them. I think that poets should always write some sidenote on the same page of each of their poems to give the reader an idea about what they are talking about. An example is Seamus Heaney. I only knew some of the stuff he was talking about because I researched it after reading the poem. I read some of his poems and hadn't a clue because I didn't know anything about his life. There should be a small introduction before each poem so you get an idea about where he is coming from. 

I tend to unconsciously write about the same subjects; religion, nature, ageing, the changing seasons, the cogs of time, otherworldly landscapes and ideas changing lives... not entirely sure why. 

Over and Out. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

(FLOG DAY 12.) I Book Review and tell you general whish wash.

I thought that today was the day that I should start reading the Dark Tower Gunslinger Book that I bought about two blogs ago. I'll read and review the first chapter and what impressions I get. I shall add that I have not properly read any of Stephen Kings's books before apart from the first chapter of the Shining so I am a real beginner to his work. I have watch the films It and The Shining and thought they were good, plus King seems to be inspired by the writers I like so he seems to be right up my street. As I have said I have never read anything about cowboys because they have never really been my thing... but they may become into my world of things.

My review begins... just about... now!

The first urge I got was to read the foreword. This is an updated edition. The first words in the foreword were this,

"Most of what writer's write about their work is ill informed bullshit."

Fair enough. After these words there was a footnote was attached,
"For a fuller description of the Bullshit Factor, see 'On Writing' published by Hodder and Stoughton 2000."

I thought he was having a go at some writer's book about writing but it turns out that the book that he was referring to was written by him.

I always like to read a little bit of the foreword, skimming through it before I read the novel so I can get a feel for what the writer and what they are about. Those first few lines said it all for me so I knew I was going to like the book one way or another. I skipped the rest of the foreword for the main story and the first chapter.

The first chapter was a bit short so I thought I would read the second chapter as well. It turns out that chapter two was also quite short so I read the first five chapters to get a small feel.
So the story begins with the Gunslinger who is pursuing the man in black. There is absolutely no description about who this person is and what he is doing. There are hints at who the man in black is. The gunslinger stops at the house of a person called Brown with a pet bird called Zoltan. The gunslinger wonders whether Brown is the man in black. The first thing that I thought was that it is possible that the man in black could change form.

That is as much I have read up to... it seems good and raises enough intriguing stuff for me to read on. I'll probably continue to comment on how I am finding the book throughout the rest of this month depending on if it is interesting enough.

I was talking about Harry Clarke and his illustrations that I saw in a book of Tales of Mystery and the Imagination by Poe. I was wondering whether I would be able to get one of his prints on a poster on my wall. I could not find any of the prints that were in the book but I did find one picture which was the picture under this paragraph...

This picture is called 'The Emperor and the Nightingale.' I'm liking the way he draws. It's got a nineteenth century vibe, simple black and white and I want one of his pictures on my wall(I'm not an art expert but I like his stuff. I may have already said that in a blog post before this).

Oh yeah and today I helped my brother pump petrol out of a car. Cars are my brothers thing I suppose and I felt like looking at what he was doing. He likes messing about with gadgets and stuff as well. He gets really old clocks working, fiddling about with everything that he can get his hands on. A bit of a mechanical, technical buff.

Nought left to say t'day. Have a good rest of the day. Be good y'hear. (*Ed hands over a Werthers Original*)

Over and Out.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

(FLOG DAY 11.) I Not Know Write How Make Good Blog Posts Titles Because Orange Juice..

The sun was shining today , especially on the remaining snow in the garden yet the snow is still there. I hope the snow can stay for at least two more days, quite fond of the stuff really.
Over the past few days I have been staying up until three in the morning and I think that I should stop doing that. I'll probably end up doing it again tonight but I should really get into some sort of proper sleeping schedule.

I've got to the point in my monthly blogs that I don't know what to talk about. I'm going to start properly researching what I want to talk about. Usually I know what I am going to talk about before I write to some extent but as each day passes you begin to struggle. From now on I shall do a bit of research about what I want to talk about and then begin to write.
As I began writing the first lines to this post I thought I would type ''Subjects to write about on a blog'' into Google. I clicked  on a link and I came upon a website that tells you tips on writing a good blog.

The first suggestion was that I had to have the correct tone for blogging. I would say that my tone is alright. I tend to to just write whatever I want in the way that I want to write it. If I am writing informally I tend to write how I speak because it seems friendly.

The second suggestion was to be honest. Well I try my best to say what is on my mind on the blogs as most of what I write is free flowing directly from the mindbox. I hope my manifested thought are entertaining to you as you no doubt distract yourself for two minutes because you're sick of work or you're bored and actually want to read about the thoughts of a person that wants to write stuff and exercise his fingers.

The last point that apparantly makes a good blog is short paragraphs. I understand this because it is quick and easier to read, especially if people are only popping onto the blog and have a quick look before they go onto some other website.






I hope that I can carry this blog on for a long time. Imagine if I an old age pensioner and I am still writing these blog posts. On the side of this blog there would be years in the archive bit of the blog. As you can see I have only done two years so far. Imagine if there is an archive of about sixty years.

Oh and here is the link that tells you how to make a good blog that I used in this post for those who have blogs.

Bye for now.
Over and Out.

Friday, February 10, 2012

(FLOG DAY 10.) My steam has been taken up with other activities so this post is a jumble of thoughts and jokes

Here is Ed's quick fact of the day: Cibophobia is the fear of food... which means your pretty much screwed... unless your screaming every time you take a mouthful. How does that even make sense? What type of person would start fearing food?

"Strap Jimmy down you lot... it's chicken nuggets tonight."

But for those poor souls that fear food out there in the world, I must say that the time will come that you will be able to eat food gawd-luv-ya... now put some nosh in your mouth. You don't hear anyone in certain third world countries going,

"Listen I know the family is starving but I can't eat that morsel of leftover food Mum. I've got frickin' Cibophobia if you haven't already realised."

Actually I take back the 'gawd- luv- ya' comment. I hope when you go home tonight someone shoves a pie down your gullet... and you will chew that pie and it will be the best thing you ever tasted. Now stop saying you've got Cibophobia you ungrateful...

I'm only joking. How has everyone's day been? You alright?.

Well it has been said that it was meant to snow today and as of right now, no snow has fallen over the remaining snow. I am unsure whether I am disappointed or not. I quite like snow but many people are getting ready for it's departure, the cold that it brings and the accusations of snow being a hinderer of transport.

I'll tell you what. When I was falling asleep I had the most fantastic, wonderful, glorious subject that I was going to talk about today but I forgot it  the moment I fell asleep...and it's annoying because it was going to change the zeitgeist of humanity and bring forth a new aeon of possibility across the globe. I'll still try and remember what I was going to say and write that blog post another day.

Apart from all of the events of the day I have had a boring day of typing, sending stuff off, emailing, training pigeons to speak English and having psychic battles with Old Mother Hubbard ... the kind of stuff that everyone has to do.

I am now technically 1/3 of the way through my February Blogging and it has been quite a good shin- dig. As I write some of the blogs it makes my mind to flow in such a way that it causes me to see scenes in stories that I want to write. Sometimes I will listen to music or an audio book and I will get about seven revelations in one go of thoughts that are a thrill to think.

As I write for the rest of the month I hope these thoughts keep coming even if I don't put them in the blog and when I fall asleep tonight I must remember that massively good idea I had.

Over and Out. Peace Out. Eat Out... or in. (if you say you have Cibophobia)

P.S I think this blog post went quite well considering I didn't have much I could think to talk about.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

(FLOG DAY 9.) Oh You Know I'm Good At Getting Books on the Cheap.


I surprised you there didn't I? Now as the adrenalin of that thrill is decreasing I shall start the blog.

I walked past a charity shop today (which are very useful for cheap books and everyone should use them) so went in and bought one of the Dark Tower books by Stephen King on a whim. I've never properly read any of his books. I read the first chapter of the Shining then thought,

"Blow this, I'm going to put some of those sweet Ann Radcliffe words in my head instead."

It was only a pound for the first book in the series so I bought it anyway. I flicked to the first page and the first sentence that caught my attention was this,

"The gunslinger had been struck by a momentary dizziness, a kind of yawning sensation that made the entire world seem ephemeral, almost a thing that could be looked through."

I instantly thought what this gunslinger bloke would have thought if Stephen King had written down what he had thought he said... this is my version of what the gunslinger thought,

"Ooh err, I'm well dizzy right now for some reason. Waz goin' on? Why the hell is the world seeming ephemeral at the like I can look through it."... The gunslinger then runs into a tree because of this ephemeral world of his and so thinks the tree will disappear or something. Instead he gets knocked out and the story ends on the first page.

I'm joking of course. Anyway after I have read a few of the short stories that I have piled up in my 'to read' pile I shall get right on with the whole Dark Tower book thing. I've not read an adventure type book for years and I've never read anything about cowboys at all so this is a new reading experience...and experiencing different things at least once in your life makes your existence feel more fulfilling and well rounded I find, expanding your mind and so forth.

As I was thinking about my future mind experience with the Dark Tower book I began to think about what I like in books for me to like them.

  • Colourful, expressive, slightly dreamlike language.
  • It's good if there are questions raised in my head or ideas presented to me in the stories. 
  • Characters that are neither good or bad but grey... that's interesting.
  • An underlying sense that there is something strange that cannot fully be explained. 
  • Good character development. 
  • When it is hard to determine who is the hero and who is the villain. (e.g Frankenstein's monster is not necessarily an evil character.)
  • I naturally tend to go to a certain aesthetic so I look for that as well in a book. other factors that make me read what I like reading. 

I also like to read stories because I want to learn more about the author(ess) and the more passionate that I feel about them and their life story, the greater the joy I experience when I read their work. I find that reading a story is also getting to know the author, so the more that I can feel for the author the more I want to read their stuff. I like when stories connect you to the author, especially if they lived hundreds of years ago because then it is as if you are saying,
"You are still influencing the world man, your presence is still strong. Here's to you."

If I find that Stephen King and I are 'mind dopplegangers' then I find it will be likely that I will read more on him. Time will tell.

I shall now pass you on to tomorrow which will appear on top of this blog post some time in the near future.

Over and Out.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

(FLOG DAY 8.) Trial By Cake. 'The Juvenile Form' and 'Grissoul the Otherworldly Guardian'.

I'm not going to lie. Today has all been about getting the proper CRB checks and realising my email account has been hacked into so I suppose I shall interest you with something else that you may consider a bit less dry.
Last night my sister came back for a weeks visit and suddenly the house has become more chatty. It means the last member of the late night gang have returned... which means staying up late, watching TV and making food until one in the morning  until one of us declares that we might go to bed.

Learnt two facts today completely by accident...well by thumbing through a book about fun facts,

  • Vikings made soap by grinding up conkers, adding a bit of water, rolling them into a ball and drying them.  
  • This isn't a fact but I know the Viking alphabet because I have found the symbols in the book. (I wish I could have said that I found the symbols on carvings in an ancient cave shrine at the back of my garden or something). I have now forsaken our alphabet for this one. If you want to read my stories in future you will have to translate them into the modern alphabet... and I may just be kidding.
Ever heard about trial of ordeal e.g water ordeal, you are put in water, if you sink you are innocent and if guilty you float to the top, most people have heard of this type of thing going on in the past... I suppose hundreds of years ago that made sense.
Anyway, one of the trials of ordeal as described in the book is that you have to eat a cake.This may be a Viking or a Medieval thing but in either case I wouldn't exactly call it a 'trial'. Before eating the cake you have to say,

"If I did this crime then may this cake choke me."

If you choke you're guilty, if you don't choke your innocent and you have just eaten a free cake... so double win I'd say. You have to wonder whether the poor thought,
"Hang on here I could get a free cake... I'm going to do crimes and constantly get fed cakes."... which is also a fictional thought of theirs that they might have actually contemplated or not but maybe.

Watch out for tomorrow. The blog of Thursday is coming your way like a train.

Over and Out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

(FLOG DAY 7.) I Ramble into the Village and The Snow Changes My Reverie Maaannnnn!

"As I looked there came a cold shiver in the air and the snow began to fall. I thought of miles and miles of bleak country I had passed and the hurried on to seek the shelter of the wood in front. Darker and darker grew the sky and faster and heavier fell the snow, till the earth before and around me was a glistening white carpet, the farthest edge of which was lost in misty vagueness."

I was walking downstairs today and the thought crossed my mind,
"Why do I feel tall today?" And then it hit me, "Crap I'm an adult... adults go to banks sometimes... sort out that stuff regarding your account because your an adult for some biological reason."

It was about time that I walked into my local village to explore the world of hardening snow... and pop into the bank to do account stuff... but walking around in snow, taking in the atmosphere of a street with shops and passers by, looking at stuff around me and creating stories in my head was obviously more important.
After the bank I walked to the Garden Centre. When I was a child I loved going to the Garden Centre because  it meant that we could look at the fishes. My brother and sisters who look down at the big fish in the big tanks and wiggle our fingers on the surface of the water so that the fish would think it was a worm and come and try and chew on our fingers (and that's the story of why I no longer have any fingers).
I decided to do more Garden Centre exploring so went around to see what I could find... and I saw a fish swimming around in the middle of a glass table. That was a bit ooh la la.
I was tempted to go to Watermead River but decided I would rather have a tea so I trekked home. There have been accidents over the last few years at Watermead when it snows. People have walked on the ice and fallen through into frozen water... unsurprisingly. There was no way that I was planning to do that but there were other days that I could go down to the river.
Also if you want to see pictures about Watermead Country Park without snow then here is a blog post that has what you seek,

Here is a confession. When you are walking on a pavement, as you know, you will no doubt sometimes see a person walking towards you in front. The thought may cross your mind,

"Hm, the outline of the person I can see in my peripheral vision looks like it might be a person I know. Should I look directly at them to make sure that this person coming near is someone I know because I don't want to seem rude and walk past someone I know? I shall look at them so I can say hello."

I then looked up and it was just a stranger. Another thought cross my mind,
"He looks like David Attenborough."

And so I walked on anyway, back home, drove around in a car for a bit, went back home, made a tea, sat down and read a book and wrote a blog post on a silly little blog that I keep in which I'm writing a blog post everyday in February... you probably haven't heard about it before.

Over and Out.

Monday, February 6, 2012

(FLOG DAY 6.) Inspiration (3).

"Darkened Skin... Afraid to See... Radiates... Open Lips Keep Smiling For Me."

Here is a good memory. A strange occurence happened today, perhaps something that I may never again see for years to come. It rained today but there was snow on the ground at the same time. I had never seen that before.

The quote above comes from a song called 'Butterfly Caught' by Massive Attack. When I listened to the song I had to search for the lyrics (partly because the person in the song was mumbling... to good effect by the way). When I read these lines of the chorus I thought that these words put together sounded amazing. The second thought that came to my mind was that I could quite easily create a character and a short story from these lines. (I have done two posts recently in this blog history where I show how I sometimes get inspiration. This is another way I get inspiration for stories.) I began to write down the pictures that came into my head while I was listening to the song. Here are my ideas...


Instead of my ideas I shall talk about ghost stories that don't have scary titles. For example,

  • The Boys Toilets 
  • The Lillies
but also 
  • School For Ghosts.
Not the most chilling story titles that I have read. How can you scare someone with the title of 'School For Ghosts?' When I read that title it sounded like the ghosts were getting up to practical jokes instead of frightening the living daylights out of the living. Within each of these titles I expect the stories that follow MAY be 'haunting' and 'atmospheric' but not scary. Come to think about it there is a certain amount of dread that enters into my heart with the title of 'The Boys Toilets', especially if the story is set in public toilets. 'The Lillies'... the ghost attacks you with hay fever perhaps. These are just jokes. I love ghost stories no matter what they are named. 

That is all for today.

Another day of blogging over. Here's to another day!

A good blog tomorrow.

Over and Out.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

(FLOG DAY 5.) The Snow Has Settled. Also 100th post on this blog.

I have been writing on this blog since January 2010 and it is now that I have finally reached the 100th post mark. And yet I have not got a cake to celebrate this Frabjurous day. I'll just celebrate by writing some more stuff on this blog post.

While I was lying in bed I was looking out of the window (technically this should be in yesterdays blog). The snow had ceased it's falling and was thick as flick. Outside seemed lighter now that the snow had settled. I came to the conclusion in my head that the moonlight was reflecting on the snow and hence outside seemed lighter with the air being a somewhat blueish tint. For some reason the snow made the outside seem smaller, as if my garden was a film set or a massive room that was made to look like a snowy garden. The snow made outside seem more artificial.
I got up in the morning and went outside, stepping in the snow for the first time, going higher than my heel, about 10centimetres. Everyone I know is whining about the snow and I suppose it is understandable if you need to go to work or drive but I enjoy it. My philosophy is that you should enjoy all the weather types and all things because you can't experience snow when your dead so enjoy it when you're alive... if you know what I mean.
There were few people on the road and the cars that were on the road were going at a snails pace.
I suppose that snow is a good excuse to stay inside and read while looking outside between ten second intervals between every ten or so paragraphs.
Below is an example of what I saw...
The car were absolutely covered before some of the snow on top was swiped away...
I wonder how long the snow will stay around for. Leicester is meant to be the one of the five top coldest cities at the moment. It is slightly wet in Liverpool where my sister is so this is a treat for the few cities that have been snowed upon. I wonder how many people will be able to get to work tomorrow? I bet the snow will slow down the country more than those trade union strikes.

Happy 100th Post.

Hey Ho for tomorrow.

Over and Out.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

(FLOG DAY 4.) Those Flakes Have Got Bigger.

I was in my room when I heard a shout from downstairs,

"Tea's on the stairs!!!"

I got my tea from the middle of the stairs, smelling the inviting whiff of curry coming from the kitchen and as I picked it up the voice shouted again,

"Look outside your window!!!"

I walked back to my room and flakes were coming down like cloud dandruff (because no one has ever compared snow to cloud dandruff before). So the prophesy was true. It was about time that snow came down, only about a month or so late.

And another thing,
"Apparently, the light laughter of the fair only attracted his attention, that he might by a look quell it, and throw fear into those breasts where thoughtlessness reigned."

My mind has been forever delving into the phantasms that dwell in the shadowy realms of the imagination. Over the past few years I have hardly reading anything else outside of the Gothic genre and I think it was really started to affect my writing. There is such great language in the books though.

Here is an add in to this blog. As I was reading this blog I was called by a friend of mine, Kiran (or given a bell as I originally wished to write down) who said,
"You put in your blogs what you don't expect people to say out loud."
Well... chears. This sentence interested me. I think that this is all about the wonder of writing. I think that writing is good for expressing views and ideas. Some things are better experienced if they are written down in words than if they were said out loud. You can really immerse yourself in a world or an idea or a story if it is written down.
What I write in my blog isn't what I consider doing writing. I usually don't even bother caring if I have any grammatical errors or so forth. I just write this blog for enjoyment and it is basically a place where I can write down thoughts and events whenever I want, informally, not bothering whether anyone is impressed with what I write because I am not serious with what I put on this blog.

As I look out of the window it has begun to snow slightly harder now so for some reason this is a good reason for me to end this blog today.

I want to have a proper theme for each of my blog posts this month and I don't want to ramble in posts this month. I want each post to have some meaning and interest to people that read my blog. I don't want to just talk about what I did on a specific day. I shall plan my posts a bit more so by the end of the month everyone will find worth in what I write, instead of writing nonsense that I think from the top of my head just because I have forced myself to write something everyday.

I want to incarnate a part of my mind every day for a month on the blog!!! Hope it's good.

Happy Snow Day Suckers... if indeed it is snowing where you are residing.

Over and Out.

Friday, February 3, 2012

(FLOG DAY 3.) Harry Clarke.

So today I am excited that Jack White is releasing his own solo album. If you don't know who he is he was a member of the White Stripes, The Raconteurs, The Dead Weather and now his own self- band. Anyway that was one of the main parts of the day.

At Christmas time my Nan gave me a book of Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories. This was my third book of the collected works of Poe that I had but I cherish them all. In this edition the illustrations were made by an artist called Harry Clarke. The pictures were weird, dreamlike, at times creepy and they fit in so well in setting a tone for the stories, giving out the right aesthetic for the stories.

The above picture is from the story, "The Assignation". Intricate, detailed and elegant. I would have probably bought this book just for the pictures. By the way I am not an expert with art but when I like something then I like something.

"But then without those doors there did stand the lofty and enshrouded figure of the Lady Madeline of Usher."

The perfect compliment to Edgar Allan Poe's stories.

In other Poe news a film is coming out called (surprise, surprise... probably) The Raven. The storyline is that there is a murderer who is killing his victims by basing the death scenes on Poe stories. For example 'The Pit and the Pendulum' the death scene is an axe pendulum being swung over a person lying on the ground... or summing loik thart. And who gets drafted in to help in the murder investigation I hear you ask? Edgar himself helps out.

I know the idea is ridiculous if you know about Edgar Allan Poe's life and take the film too seriously. The film is to be taken merely as a fanfilm by me, something that incorporates Poe stuff for the sake of the Poe fans that live out there in that world of Mystery and Imagination. The Woman in Black and The Raven. Two films I now want to see... as well as other films that aren't Gothic or Macabre... like all of the other films of varying genre that are also coming out.

Peace Out for today.

Over and Out.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

(FLOG DAY 2). The Simple Joys of putting stuff in Vending Machines and Drinking Stuff in Atriums.

I'm visiting my good mate Kiran from yesterday (Wednesday) until Friday (the morrow). I stayed in the newly moved in house of Kiran who lives in Derby. We spent the night talking, drinking cheap wine, talking about the fantastic subjects we both have an interest in and acting like bohemians and shizz.
I got up in the morning and spent the day within the Derby City Centre. Dear God I missed the quaint smallness of Derby, like a smaller version of beloved Leicester. The market place is fantastic, simple yet homely (yet again a small version of Leicester and Leiceseter market).
I headed back to Kiran's house with Kiran.

The visit so far has reminded me how much I love Derby. I even went into the university and the familiar joy of putting change in a vending machine or messing about in the atrium was really nice and slightly comforting. Experiencing something that you have not experienced for a few months gives you a unique warm, welcoming feeling.

In other news I want to try my chances on the drums. My mate Munchy (who you may know from previous posts) has a drum kit that he has stored in a barn next to his house. He is going to take it out soon and when he does... by heck... there will be a' banging like the trumpets on judgement day.
I also want to play Munchy's Alison (Alison is his guitar). Munchy can play Lissie with my permission as well (Lissie is my bass)... innuendo... but that is what they are seriously called. Munchy's guitar is named after Alison Mosshart and my bass is named after Lissie Maurus.

Excellent news came my way today also. There is a film that I feel excited about. The Woman in Black is coming out!
"So what Ed."
What do you mean so what? It's a production by the world famous Hammer Horror people... you know, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. Aww yeahh!
FLOG DAY Over and Out.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(FLOG DAY 1.) The Book That Sounded Like a Tap. A Real Life Story of My Life That May Not Have Happened if I Hadn't Had Too Much Tea.

Now here is a tale that happened to me yesterday afternoon.

I was alone in the house and I was working on the laptop. I decided that it was time for a break so I went downstairs to make a tea (if you didn't already know, many people tend to get up and make a tea as an excuse to get out of doing work for a few minutes).
I picked up a big mug. It is a big mug, about three times bigger than the others... quite a novelty mug you might say. I wanted to have loads of tea for the sake of anti- tiredness and because I like tea. I made the tea but I put two bags into the mug and left them in until the tea was absolutely stewed. I took the tea up and drank it. I then went downstairs again to make another big, stewed tea with two tea bags and before I knew it I had had three of the things within an hour.

By this time it was about lunchtime (in my eyes anyway). I felt peckish so I grabbed my book and went downstairs, made a sandwich and then sat down on the sofa for a good half hour of reading (oh and I made another of those big, stewy teas to compliment the sandwich).

This is the strange part of the story. So I sat down with the sandwich. I picked up my book that was by my side and as I did I naturally tiled it slightly. As I tilted the book I heard a strange sound. The noise sounded like trickling water or the sound of wind rushing through my fingers. I turned the book fully vertical and suddenly the sound stopped. I tilted the book again and the sound came again, as if I was pouring water from the book.

"Schhhhhhhhhhhhh" was the sound. I pulled the book straight up.

As I continued to put the book vertically and horizontally the sound came on and off like a tap. As this was happening I was wondering whether I was hearing things but every time I turned the book the sound came back again.

For about ten minutes I was turning the book like a switch. But slowly and steadily the sound faded until I could no longer hear it anymore.

I put it down to tea.

I poured imaginary water from my book.

Genuinely True Story.

Such is life. Such is life.

Over and Out.

P.S This is the first post for FLOG which means February Blog. I am attempting to write everyday for the entire month of February. If I miss out a day I shall make two posts in one day for another day. Let's get this rollin' aww yeahhh!