Wednesday, February 22, 2012

(FLOG DAY 22.) The Brit Awards and Rambling... Plus a (Probably Annoying) Opinion or Two.

My sister put on the television to watch the Brit Awards...

I don't mind the Brits... although there should be a greater variety of music.

Some of my friends don't like the Brit awards... usually it doesn't enter my mind to watch it but I watched it with my sister. One of the main arguments against the Brit awards is that all of the artists are mainstream types, paid loads to produce lifeless music... which is true in 'some' cases... but this is my point of view on the whole thing.

...and before I start I wish to stay that I like MANY types of music...

I actually don't mind the Brit Awards in the slightest... in fact I quite like it in parts. Now I'm not one to care about awards nights and who wins what and why with the whole Brit Awards night because music is not about winning awards at all... but...

Adele should not have stolen the awards of Laura Marling and Florence Welch... GREEDY! (What do you mean greedy Ed... it wasn't Adele's decision!... 'Yeah, yeah I know that'...I would reply to you if you happened to ask that.) I recognise the talent of Adele I suppose but she already has loads of awards anyway.
Oh yeah and why the hell wasn't Lissie Maurus invited to shake the place up a bit!

Now in the whole mainstream non- specialised, non- underground type world that I glimpse I see a few musicians out there that are well liked, not because they suit the tastes of many people but because they are very good, unique and new... and write music not to please others. I consider Laura Marling, Florence Welch and Lissie Maurus to be the best musicians out there that are acceptable to the mainstream culture but are very good and not just recycled clone- like shadows of greatness.

I love music in all of its forms and genre's. I like to have a good palate of music in all its diversity and I do not have anything against the mainstream or mainstream tastes... well maybe a bit anyway (although they have a lot to learn from many of the creative and wonderful subcultures that they sometimes steal ideas from)... I do not hate something just because it is mainstream... that is obviously very silly.

The mainstream tends to get a lot of flack because of the motivations for many mainstream type groups and artists... music for money (doesn't matter if it hasn't got any soul in it, as long as it makes money says some of the mainstream). This is a bad thing... in my eyes. There is a lot of magic that music gives you and you won't find it in certain mainstream musicians out there because they are trying to suit their music to others and not themselves. Music that comes from real human expression and is fantastic is a bonus if it is much loved.

...I am rambling  but Flo Welch, Liss Maurus and Lau...ra Marling should have won awards. I think that the main difference between the mainstream and other music is that the mainstream artists think about how their music will please others (which is fine if done correctly) and other types of music think about how their music will please themselves (in a non selfish way... simply writing music because they need to get something out there) and not about if it will make money. Also the musicians should love what they do and not just be in it for the money... again like a few of those musicians out there.

One last thing I will say about the Brit awards is that they should bring more specialised music in at least on the side in order to represent all the diverse types of music that exist all around Britain.
The Brit Awards should represent all British music in some way... ALL British music in all of its varied glory and differing taste and not just the chart stuff... it would be good if different types of music could be at least mentioned in passing.
Britain is diverse and it should be shown in the music that is presented at the awards.

The mainstream should recognise the subcultures, the lesser mainstream music that allows music to evolve and change, music that comes from real life... the music that not all people like but yet are incredibly influential and important to the world.

Just thoughts. Don't take seriously.

Bu- bu- bu- bubu- bubu- bye.

Over and Out.

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