Thursday, January 26, 2012

Inspiration (2) The Writers Secret Weapon....... Writing Anything that Comes to Mind.

This post is linked with the previous post. I have been doing writing as per usual and I am trying to get stories from all over the place. Here is a new exercise to help out with the inspiration part of the writing world.

Has anyone heard of this exercise? This is a simple, strange exercise but very entertaining when you read through what you have written.

It's amazing what you might find with some sentences that come through random bursts while in free flow in writing. There is an exercise that is a fun way to get inspiration for stories and it on this post that I shall do this exercise. Here are the rules;

  • Think of a quick title from the top of your head.
  • You have three minutes to write the first thing that comes to your head, your first thoughts or words. You carry on until five or so minutes have past and then you stop and review what you have written.
  • You cannot hesitate. 
  • It doesn't matter what you write, no matter how weird it may be... just write it anyway.
  • Try not to pause, just carry on writing until you have to stop permanently.
  • Be inspired by the magnificent weirdness.

Title: The Wellington Wilt Worm.

The Piece: "Surfacing from the earth the serpentine sepulchre spoke the words of cold sand throughout the well of eternal thought. When did you speak of the fire and why did not you quench yourself in them. It came to you from the birth of man so why not make the toast. Drink the tea when the moon is nigh you scandalous curmgeon and roar at them for the thoughts of calm you now for dough. When the mater head wake the grey earthern tide for whatever you did is nothing for the welcoming timeline. Shut up with your jibber- jabber and thoughts of unutterable wishing walk, you ate all the pies and so you must go to it with a stupor. Don't bring the wafer in the water I'll watch the dream of this life. This is your flip, hope it's good and all and ah it won't be a shower any time soon so sit down. And another thing that I wish to say is when I was wafted into birth you were not looking round for the sparrows like you should have eaten god damn it. How you you can't aim your food in your mouth like old grannies. Come on now son, get a gate. Shall you not make it tonight the moon dogs cannot see the thirst and you know what that should get you in after. Stop worrying and yes I will spin around tonight and yes that does mean a drill. Kaboom. Gong the counter you oaf. Spagetti mutton, the medieval Italian won't stand for this any more and don't you forget it. Same as me. You like swing the cold pepper henceforth but keep typing or it is going to explode. Hush ya mouth Earl Grey and become like the men of the thousands of people that won't get me on the shoulder because the world keeps spinning around. When will this end and why this eternal bleating from the black bits of space. La law shall make me wanna go this way in this speedboat with the hot dog. Nee nah and a thousand films.Come on over and come on over now. Hear all about it, hear all about it and don't you fillet it forever and then this can be and you're a glass because the strings isn't ready yet."

Review of Piece: It doesn't make much sense as was expected. It was actually quite fun to write because I was just letting my mind flow. I'm not sure if I can make it into any sort of story. Maybe if I take small parts out I can use those small bits of inspiration. The above piece of writing is only a starter but a good exercise. I'll see what I can do with the above. 

Over and Out

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