Sunday, February 26, 2012

(FLOG 26.) Stories That Exist All Over The Place.

There is a new addition to the family called Sid. He is a rubber little green chick and if you hit him then he flashes with many and varied colours, all the colours that your brain can process.
Has anyone ever seen or felt those rubber balls filled with goo or water and if you squeeze it then there is this big bubble that forms... well it is one of those things except it is shaped like a little chick. I called him Sid because it is a green chick... which makes me think that he has dyed his feathers, making him a (male) punk chick... hence I call him Sid. I'll probably take pictures tomorrow... I just haven't got any cameras around the place at the moment. He's a green, rubber, punk, male chick... and that list makes complete sense.

There are loads of stories out in the immaterial world of my mind and I don't know which one I want to start writing. I think it is an interesting question to ask all writers about all of the stories that they have in their head. Are all stories kind of in their head to begin with or do you develop stories as they write them?

Over the years I have been inventing my own mythology just in my mind and continued to develop it; a mythology that could be use for more than one short story or even a few novels. I will perhaps write a story properly with that mythology.

Stories gush from people endlessly.

Every single person that has ever existed has had stories running through them, humans thrive on stories, not only fictional ones but real ones that have happened throughout their lives. It would be great if a library existed of books that contained the life stories of everyone that has ever walked on the earth... that would be a complete treasure trove.

Over and Out.

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