Sunday, February 19, 2012

(FLOG DAY 19.) The Second Day of the Birthday Celebrations (Read Previous Blog to Get Whole Story).

"... the world is but a great Bedlam, where those that are more mad, lock up those that are less..."

Yo bro or lady!

We all woke up and the celebrations commenced. Mainly the day involved eating a lot of food... again. Our Nan came around to make sure that both hers and my sisters birthdays were celebrated on the same day.
We ate a proper Sunday dinner and then we sat down as the pink, flowery, big cake were lit by mini sparklers... which is not to my personal taste but each to their own.

My brother and Claude went up into the attic do some plumbing. Both were reading up on plumbing so they both thought that they could both help or fix the current shower problems. Thanks to the two of them everything will be fine with the whole plumbing. My brother Tom seemed proud to use his tools not only on the car but on the mechanics that are up in the attic (I don't even know what is up there... I've lived in the house for years and I have not been up there once.)

...The rest of us sat down, continued to eat... and... did... absolutely... nothing.

We did other things throughout the day but that is the basic activities we did.

I am now sat down with both sisters, typing up this blog and hoping that no one nicks all of the sweets that I left in another room... I am very willing to share them but not when all I am left with is a little speck of sugar on my outstretched index finger. A film is coming out next year about a story like that, a story about a young man whose sweets are all eaten by his family and he has to go on a journey of self discovery by taking them to court... the film is meant to be in the style of the Iron Lady and all those Oscar winning type films.

I can also do what is on the video but not as well... and by that I mean I can raise both eyebrows independent of each other... but not to music.

Not much to be say to be honest... that is partly why I put the video in this blog. It's a hard lark thinking of interesting stuff to write with a blog post every day in February.

Also I want to do a review of The Woman in Black by the end of the month.

What's that?... Well of course I'm writing a blog post tomorrow.
So until then adieu. See you on the flip side.

Over and Out.

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