Saturday, February 11, 2012

(FLOG DAY 11.) I Not Know Write How Make Good Blog Posts Titles Because Orange Juice..

The sun was shining today , especially on the remaining snow in the garden yet the snow is still there. I hope the snow can stay for at least two more days, quite fond of the stuff really.
Over the past few days I have been staying up until three in the morning and I think that I should stop doing that. I'll probably end up doing it again tonight but I should really get into some sort of proper sleeping schedule.

I've got to the point in my monthly blogs that I don't know what to talk about. I'm going to start properly researching what I want to talk about. Usually I know what I am going to talk about before I write to some extent but as each day passes you begin to struggle. From now on I shall do a bit of research about what I want to talk about and then begin to write.
As I began writing the first lines to this post I thought I would type ''Subjects to write about on a blog'' into Google. I clicked  on a link and I came upon a website that tells you tips on writing a good blog.

The first suggestion was that I had to have the correct tone for blogging. I would say that my tone is alright. I tend to to just write whatever I want in the way that I want to write it. If I am writing informally I tend to write how I speak because it seems friendly.

The second suggestion was to be honest. Well I try my best to say what is on my mind on the blogs as most of what I write is free flowing directly from the mindbox. I hope my manifested thought are entertaining to you as you no doubt distract yourself for two minutes because you're sick of work or you're bored and actually want to read about the thoughts of a person that wants to write stuff and exercise his fingers.

The last point that apparantly makes a good blog is short paragraphs. I understand this because it is quick and easier to read, especially if people are only popping onto the blog and have a quick look before they go onto some other website.






I hope that I can carry this blog on for a long time. Imagine if I an old age pensioner and I am still writing these blog posts. On the side of this blog there would be years in the archive bit of the blog. As you can see I have only done two years so far. Imagine if there is an archive of about sixty years.

Oh and here is the link that tells you how to make a good blog that I used in this post for those who have blogs.

Bye for now.
Over and Out.

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