Tuesday, February 7, 2012

(FLOG DAY 7.) I Ramble into the Village and The Snow Changes My Reverie Maaannnnn!

"As I looked there came a cold shiver in the air and the snow began to fall. I thought of miles and miles of bleak country I had passed and the hurried on to seek the shelter of the wood in front. Darker and darker grew the sky and faster and heavier fell the snow, till the earth before and around me was a glistening white carpet, the farthest edge of which was lost in misty vagueness."

I was walking downstairs today and the thought crossed my mind,
"Why do I feel tall today?" And then it hit me, "Crap I'm an adult... adults go to banks sometimes... sort out that stuff regarding your account because your an adult for some biological reason."

It was about time that I walked into my local village to explore the world of hardening snow... and pop into the bank to do account stuff... but walking around in snow, taking in the atmosphere of a street with shops and passers by, looking at stuff around me and creating stories in my head was obviously more important.
After the bank I walked to the Garden Centre. When I was a child I loved going to the Garden Centre because  it meant that we could look at the fishes. My brother and sisters who look down at the big fish in the big tanks and wiggle our fingers on the surface of the water so that the fish would think it was a worm and come and try and chew on our fingers (and that's the story of why I no longer have any fingers).
I decided to do more Garden Centre exploring so went around to see what I could find... and I saw a fish swimming around in the middle of a glass table. That was a bit ooh la la.
I was tempted to go to Watermead River but decided I would rather have a tea so I trekked home. There have been accidents over the last few years at Watermead when it snows. People have walked on the ice and fallen through into frozen water... unsurprisingly. There was no way that I was planning to do that but there were other days that I could go down to the river.
Also if you want to see pictures about Watermead Country Park without snow then here is a blog post that has what you seek,


Here is a confession. When you are walking on a pavement, as you know, you will no doubt sometimes see a person walking towards you in front. The thought may cross your mind,

"Hm, the outline of the person I can see in my peripheral vision looks like it might be a person I know. Should I look directly at them to make sure that this person coming near is someone I know because I don't want to seem rude and walk past someone I know? I shall look at them so I can say hello."

I then looked up and it was just a stranger. Another thought cross my mind,
"He looks like David Attenborough."

And so I walked on anyway, back home, drove around in a car for a bit, went back home, made a tea, sat down and read a book and wrote a blog post on a silly little blog that I keep in which I'm writing a blog post everyday in February... you probably haven't heard about it before.

Over and Out.

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