Wednesday, February 8, 2012

(FLOG DAY 8.) Trial By Cake. 'The Juvenile Form' and 'Grissoul the Otherworldly Guardian'.

I'm not going to lie. Today has all been about getting the proper CRB checks and realising my email account has been hacked into so I suppose I shall interest you with something else that you may consider a bit less dry.
Last night my sister came back for a weeks visit and suddenly the house has become more chatty. It means the last member of the late night gang have returned... which means staying up late, watching TV and making food until one in the morning  until one of us declares that we might go to bed.

Learnt two facts today completely by accident...well by thumbing through a book about fun facts,

  • Vikings made soap by grinding up conkers, adding a bit of water, rolling them into a ball and drying them.  
  • This isn't a fact but I know the Viking alphabet because I have found the symbols in the book. (I wish I could have said that I found the symbols on carvings in an ancient cave shrine at the back of my garden or something). I have now forsaken our alphabet for this one. If you want to read my stories in future you will have to translate them into the modern alphabet... and I may just be kidding.
Ever heard about trial of ordeal e.g water ordeal, you are put in water, if you sink you are innocent and if guilty you float to the top, most people have heard of this type of thing going on in the past... I suppose hundreds of years ago that made sense.
Anyway, one of the trials of ordeal as described in the book is that you have to eat a cake.This may be a Viking or a Medieval thing but in either case I wouldn't exactly call it a 'trial'. Before eating the cake you have to say,

"If I did this crime then may this cake choke me."

If you choke you're guilty, if you don't choke your innocent and you have just eaten a free cake... so double win I'd say. You have to wonder whether the poor thought,
"Hang on here I could get a free cake... I'm going to do crimes and constantly get fed cakes."... which is also a fictional thought of theirs that they might have actually contemplated or not but maybe.

Watch out for tomorrow. The blog of Thursday is coming your way like a train.

Over and Out.

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