Monday, February 20, 2012

(FLOG DAY 20.)The Poem. An Odyssey of the Unreal... Or Is It Real?

"There is no such thing as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person."

My sister went back to Liverpool today and she left her birthday cake here... you know what I mean?

I was waiting for my dad to send over some sort of document so that I could type it up in letter form for him and to pass the time I logged onto Twitter. I looked at the screen.There was a Twitter message to me... from Keith Richards.

For a second or so I was was spazzing in my mind. Why would Keith Richards send me a message? He said,
"Thanks for the follow. Please like this link..."... and he linked me to some irrelevant website page.

Dammit Keith. Don't use spamming robots or your 'staff' to advertise stuff.

A few blogs ago I was about to copy down a poem I had written using this technique from the link below,

I didn't post it though but I'm going to post it on this post because I'm pretty proud of the outcome.

It doesn't have a name but here it is...

The burns the fire in flicker
Grey is the matter of waste that sets the rising sun
Welcome are the sphincters that grow along the bowel of the oak tree
All the work is being undone.

Around a when encircling the Man
Nail rusted execution upon the heart of the leaf
Light undisturbed is life that is not made
No longer age of belief.

Creatures wriggle inside the Mass
And the scythes grips cleansing nourshment consume
The wrinkling from the earthly mother
Descending into the earth's womb.

I timed myself and it took me three and a bit minutes to get all these random words from the top of my head to make this poem. I didn't plan to write about a tree but it just happened that my unconscious wanted me to do so or sumfink. Why did my unconscious decide to use a tree as a metaphor for stuff? I'm not going to say what I think my poem is about because I want you to make your own interpretation and make it relevant to you.
One good thing about obscure sentences is that it is more likely that you are able  to apply the poems, prose, song lyrics or whatever to your own life without having to think about the life of the person that wrote the thing. I can remember a quote that I read once from Oscar Wilde in which he said something like, a work of art is when the artist is overshadowed by the work they have written... that probably sounded nothing like the quote but you know what I mean.  It is almost as if the art is independent of the artist.

... All of this stuff has reminded me that I still have got any further with the Dark Tower book. I'm off to go and make some food.

Thank you. It's been a pleasure to blog today... just don't breath so loudly next time... it distracts me while I'm blogging.

Over and Out.

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