Wednesday, February 29, 2012

(FLOG DAY 29.)The Leap Year Thing. The Last Day of Flog

I am really starting to enjoy sitting down every day and making time in order to spend time with my blog. Before I started the whole February blogging thing I never really thought about how nice it is simply to write about nothing in particular, just writing about whatever I want to talk about on a specific day.

Today is the leap year what- is- name- thingy- ma- bob. I only realised at the moment of my typing this post that today is the 'proper' end of my FLOG experience. I would just like to say that I have loved doing this. It was brilliant. There was only one day that I didn't write in but made it up the day after (look at the previous posts to find out which post I am talking about).
I have been looking through all of the stuff that I have written, not a Dickens really but this beloved blog of mine was never meant to be that. This blog is not a prize winning novel... it's more along the lines of a dog eared scrap book that has been used a lot and is stored affectionately in a desk draw with a stash of pens and sketches.

I would like to say that I appreciate not only this blog but you, the person reading this for reading my blog... thanks and all that for taking the time to read the shenanigans. Much appreciated. If you happened to read all of the postings then thank you loads.

Blog ole pal o' mine...

Thank you when I am stuck with writing and I turn to you to get my writing brain cogs working and you get them spinning.

Thank you for helping me to record my life like a diary. I have never properly had a diary. I have tried once or twice but I have never kept it up. This is the longest diary I've had and I hope to carry it on for a very long time in one form or another.

Thank you for introducing me to other blogs that I appreciate. It is as if I am connecting with peoples diaries or brains.

The last day of Flog eh... I hope it has been enjoyable for others as it has been for me. I hope people can take something from the nonsense I have written.

... and if you are interested I would like to do this monthly thing once again this year.

I shall post a picture of Sid tomorrow... a person you may know if you look at previous posts this month.

Thank you Flog 2012. Thanks people for reading whenever they could.

Over and Out.

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