Thursday, February 16, 2012

(FLOG DAY 16.) I Am A Walker Between Two Pubs and the Canal.

This is for FLOG DAY 15 as well.

I think that the Day 15 post below is an absolute masterpiece! Don't deny it!

Well I was at home doing the usual jobs of writing up stuff for voluntary work when the door bell rang and I was greeted by my mate Munchy (who is really called Tom but we call him Munch) who came into the house. I finished my work, we talked for a bit and then went out for a walk (it sounded like I was a gangster and I was going to 'go for a walk' with Munchy... bang bang. Don't worry I didn't kill Munch.)Munch had brought a really old fashioned camera that looked like it was from the 1970's and only took pictures in black and white so we went down to the river as he climbed on the loch (or lock gate, I don't know how loch is spelt in terms of canals) and took pictures for  a bit. Apparently the camera was Russian which lead me to to say something that may other people would have said,

"In Soviet Russia, camera take picture of you."

We then sat down and chatted at one of the local pubs called the Old Plough, talking about nothing in particular and then after a drink there we went to the White Horse which was next to the Plough to hang out for a bit there. Now here comes the reason for why I didn't write a blog post yesterday. Technically I could have written a blog post yesterday but it would seem weird saying,

"Hey Munch, is it alright if we both go back to my house so I can write a blog post and then come back here after I have written it." i just continued to sit on the comfortable sofas chatting, looking outside the window every so often , taking sips from my cider.

Here is a quick fact. The first time that I had an entire pint of beer was about ten months ago in Derby. Beer tastes awful, bitter and bad tasting. Anything sweet is good for me. Ed is a sweet tooth kinda guy.

My other friend Dave came after a while and we sat on the same sofas again. While we were talking we happened to get into conversation with this other dude who was sitting with his friend and was a Jimmy Page lookalike to a tea.
I happened to find out that Dave had started up his own Internet business with three of his other friends, quitting his job... well lah de dah thought I. We then went to my house and watched a film... and it was Dave's choice so he picked The Matrix. Then they both stayed over for the night and we all fell asleep in the lounge on the seats with covers over us because there was no room in my room.

... and now on to today which which is FLOG DAY 16.
I was awoken by Dave standing over me, poking me in the side. I got up after a few moments of prodding, Munchy and Dave talking really loudly, pulling off my covers and so forth. I got up and made a warm drink but after they left I snoozed a bit more (sneaky, sneaky) while they went out to a 16th century type cafe called Mrs Bridges... people may know this place. They put bacon in with salad and it fills you right up. Their elderflower cordial obviously isn't as good as the one that my family make... you'll just have to trust me on that one.
And for the rest of the day I have been doing the boring stuff that every British citizen has to do.

I shall write tomorrow and it will be delicious, capacious even.
Over and Out.

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