Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(FLOG DAY 1.) The Book That Sounded Like a Tap. A Real Life Story of My Life That May Not Have Happened if I Hadn't Had Too Much Tea.

Now here is a tale that happened to me yesterday afternoon.

I was alone in the house and I was working on the laptop. I decided that it was time for a break so I went downstairs to make a tea (if you didn't already know, many people tend to get up and make a tea as an excuse to get out of doing work for a few minutes).
I picked up a big mug. It is a big mug, about three times bigger than the others... quite a novelty mug you might say. I wanted to have loads of tea for the sake of anti- tiredness and because I like tea. I made the tea but I put two bags into the mug and left them in until the tea was absolutely stewed. I took the tea up and drank it. I then went downstairs again to make another big, stewed tea with two tea bags and before I knew it I had had three of the things within an hour.

By this time it was about lunchtime (in my eyes anyway). I felt peckish so I grabbed my book and went downstairs, made a sandwich and then sat down on the sofa for a good half hour of reading (oh and I made another of those big, stewy teas to compliment the sandwich).

This is the strange part of the story. So I sat down with the sandwich. I picked up my book that was by my side and as I did I naturally tiled it slightly. As I tilted the book I heard a strange sound. The noise sounded like trickling water or the sound of wind rushing through my fingers. I turned the book fully vertical and suddenly the sound stopped. I tilted the book again and the sound came again, as if I was pouring water from the book.

"Schhhhhhhhhhhhh" was the sound. I pulled the book straight up.

As I continued to put the book vertically and horizontally the sound came on and off like a tap. As this was happening I was wondering whether I was hearing things but every time I turned the book the sound came back again.

For about ten minutes I was turning the book like a switch. But slowly and steadily the sound faded until I could no longer hear it anymore.

I put it down to tea.

I poured imaginary water from my book.

Genuinely True Story.

Such is life. Such is life.

Over and Out.

P.S This is the first post for FLOG which means February Blog. I am attempting to write everyday for the entire month of February. If I miss out a day I shall make two posts in one day for another day. Let's get this rollin' aww yeahhh!

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