Friday, February 3, 2012

(FLOG DAY 3.) Harry Clarke.

So today I am excited that Jack White is releasing his own solo album. If you don't know who he is he was a member of the White Stripes, The Raconteurs, The Dead Weather and now his own self- band. Anyway that was one of the main parts of the day.

At Christmas time my Nan gave me a book of Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories. This was my third book of the collected works of Poe that I had but I cherish them all. In this edition the illustrations were made by an artist called Harry Clarke. The pictures were weird, dreamlike, at times creepy and they fit in so well in setting a tone for the stories, giving out the right aesthetic for the stories.

The above picture is from the story, "The Assignation". Intricate, detailed and elegant. I would have probably bought this book just for the pictures. By the way I am not an expert with art but when I like something then I like something.

"But then without those doors there did stand the lofty and enshrouded figure of the Lady Madeline of Usher."

The perfect compliment to Edgar Allan Poe's stories.

In other Poe news a film is coming out called (surprise, surprise... probably) The Raven. The storyline is that there is a murderer who is killing his victims by basing the death scenes on Poe stories. For example 'The Pit and the Pendulum' the death scene is an axe pendulum being swung over a person lying on the ground... or summing loik thart. And who gets drafted in to help in the murder investigation I hear you ask? Edgar himself helps out.

I know the idea is ridiculous if you know about Edgar Allan Poe's life and take the film too seriously. The film is to be taken merely as a fanfilm by me, something that incorporates Poe stuff for the sake of the Poe fans that live out there in that world of Mystery and Imagination. The Woman in Black and The Raven. Two films I now want to see... as well as other films that aren't Gothic or Macabre... like all of the other films of varying genre that are also coming out.

Peace Out for today.

Over and Out.

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