Sunday, February 12, 2012

(FLOG DAY 12.) I Book Review and tell you general whish wash.

I thought that today was the day that I should start reading the Dark Tower Gunslinger Book that I bought about two blogs ago. I'll read and review the first chapter and what impressions I get. I shall add that I have not properly read any of Stephen Kings's books before apart from the first chapter of the Shining so I am a real beginner to his work. I have watch the films It and The Shining and thought they were good, plus King seems to be inspired by the writers I like so he seems to be right up my street. As I have said I have never read anything about cowboys because they have never really been my thing... but they may become into my world of things.

My review begins... just about... now!

The first urge I got was to read the foreword. This is an updated edition. The first words in the foreword were this,

"Most of what writer's write about their work is ill informed bullshit."

Fair enough. After these words there was a footnote was attached,
"For a fuller description of the Bullshit Factor, see 'On Writing' published by Hodder and Stoughton 2000."

I thought he was having a go at some writer's book about writing but it turns out that the book that he was referring to was written by him.

I always like to read a little bit of the foreword, skimming through it before I read the novel so I can get a feel for what the writer and what they are about. Those first few lines said it all for me so I knew I was going to like the book one way or another. I skipped the rest of the foreword for the main story and the first chapter.

The first chapter was a bit short so I thought I would read the second chapter as well. It turns out that chapter two was also quite short so I read the first five chapters to get a small feel.
So the story begins with the Gunslinger who is pursuing the man in black. There is absolutely no description about who this person is and what he is doing. There are hints at who the man in black is. The gunslinger stops at the house of a person called Brown with a pet bird called Zoltan. The gunslinger wonders whether Brown is the man in black. The first thing that I thought was that it is possible that the man in black could change form.

That is as much I have read up to... it seems good and raises enough intriguing stuff for me to read on. I'll probably continue to comment on how I am finding the book throughout the rest of this month depending on if it is interesting enough.

I was talking about Harry Clarke and his illustrations that I saw in a book of Tales of Mystery and the Imagination by Poe. I was wondering whether I would be able to get one of his prints on a poster on my wall. I could not find any of the prints that were in the book but I did find one picture which was the picture under this paragraph...

This picture is called 'The Emperor and the Nightingale.' I'm liking the way he draws. It's got a nineteenth century vibe, simple black and white and I want one of his pictures on my wall(I'm not an art expert but I like his stuff. I may have already said that in a blog post before this).

Oh yeah and today I helped my brother pump petrol out of a car. Cars are my brothers thing I suppose and I felt like looking at what he was doing. He likes messing about with gadgets and stuff as well. He gets really old clocks working, fiddling about with everything that he can get his hands on. A bit of a mechanical, technical buff.

Nought left to say t'day. Have a good rest of the day. Be good y'hear. (*Ed hands over a Werthers Original*)

Over and Out.

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