Wednesday, December 22, 2010

True Blood.

I think by now everybody knows my view on what vampires should be like if you have been reading my blogs or have been (putting up with) listening to my ramblings.
There are many shows depicting vampires nowdays such as; Moonlight, The Vampire Diaries, Being Human (which is probably the best of the lot...and not just because it is a British production) and True Blood. I have only ever watched one episode of Moonlight and that was it with the American shows. I have the first season of Being Human on DVD and I have watched the second series of that show... edgy but sometimes a bit too serious by the way.
I began to feel that I should watch one of the American shows and put my views to the test so to speak. I began with watching a few clips on youtube of True Blood. The humour is good, everyone has nice Mississippi southern accents (everyone knows that they are the best yank accents) and by the looks of it it seemed decent and entertaining enough to intrigue me.
The next thing I did was to go on wikipedia and find out about what is going on with the storyline.

For season one it said;
--- "The main mystery of the first season concerns the murders of women connected to Sookie's brother."
Wow, a death or two is involved, it's the first time in ages that I have heard modern vampires doing what they should be doing and actually killing someone every once in a while.

For season two it said;
---"Season two focuses on two main plots – in the first, the disappearance of the 2,000-year old vampire Sheriff of Area 9, Godric, causes Eric to enlist Sookie and Bill's aid in finding the ancient vampire in Dallas. Their paths cross Jason's as he seeks to discover meaning in his life with the Fellowship of the Sun, a church dedicated to anti-vampire activities."
Wow I thought...this is intriging me. I shall read about the third season forthwith.

This was the pivitol point in my making up my mind of whether I should give this show a try. I began to read about season three. It said about the introduction of lycanthropes into the show...which is fair enough. I was just excited enough to think that this might be a show for me until I read this;
"and Sookie's fairy godmother, Claudine. Sookie's heritage as part fairy is also revealed later in the season, a major plot element from the eighth novel, From Dead to Worse."
Fairies. I mean...fairies. Why do I have to put up with living in a society in which flipping fairies are being continuously associated with vampires. Vampires and fairies do not mix!!! I threw the laptop across the room and swore to the vampires gods to buck their ideas up.

I had such high hopes as well...I still might check it out though if the humour that I saw in the clips carries on throughout the season. I just can't get over fairies...what the hell!

I like the picture below though...sinister yet appealing.

Down to wussy vampires who go completely against their natures (and the point of their existence) by not drinking blood....and sparkle.

Over and Out.

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