Monday, December 13, 2010


I was looking on youtube, looking at Anti- Twilight videos and I came across one that made me jump for joy.
People that read my blog know that I love the band Interpol. Well there was a video, an Anti- Twilight public service announcement. I looked at the user to see who posted the video and it read thusly...Username: Interpolnyc.
Interpol, I adore you even more. The person with the Interpolnyc account hates Twilight!...and likes a good band.
It also surprised me that most of the Anti- Twilight rants were made by girls. I'm glad there are chicks out there that share my passion for Twilight hatred and haven't been sucked in to the mediocrity. One girl even began quoting gothic literature and vampire folklore...amazing beyond belief. I genuinely think that modern society would be so much better without the Twilight franchise. I may be creating a new blog for people that are strictly Anti-Twilight. It is through looking at these videos on the Internet that a glimpse of hope has entered me. I dream of the day when this fad will have gone, but until then all I can do is try to hurry its demise
Here is the video I was talking about (Also please read my previous blog posts...obviously.)

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