Thursday, December 16, 2010

Joyous part 2.

I am currently reading the official sequal to Dracula, written by a direct descendant of Bram Stoker himself, Dacre Stoker. I wish to make a quote of Chapter 23 which sums up my entire view on bloodsuckers,

"For centuries, Bathory had been confused by the notion that God had created man in his own image. If it were so, then God was weak....Bathory had discovered the truth that even the lowly beasts had known for millennia: Man was easy prey, and his blood was like a fine vintage. She had wondered if the beasts that had tasted man's flesh felt the same satisfaction she did. The only human for whom Bathory held any respect was Charles Darwin. Survival of the fittest. Bathory was humanity perfected. Her powers of sight, hearing, smell and taste were tenfold those of a human, as was her strength. She was blessed with an even more powerful sixth sense, that of the mind. For centuries, man had marvelled at magicians who could manipulate objects, read and control minds. For Bathory, it involved no trick or illusion: She could enter a human's consciousness and force their mind's eye to see her as a wolf, gargoyle, rat or mist. Her powers had grown to the point that which she could enter a person's mind even from hundreds of miles away and have them see what she wished. She had the ability to move at incredible speeds. She could even levitate and move through the skies, soaring on the winds. Man needed a machine to fly. Bathory was indeed the fittest, the next level of human evolution."


Two posts in a day!

Over and Out.

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