Thursday, May 3, 2012

My (Supposedly) Innate Views About The Imagination.

This is mainly a riffing of thoughts that I sometimes do...

...Here I Go...

I think the imagination is one of the greatest things that exist. It's amazing... and what makes it more amazing is that it is always there and is a part of you all the time.
Recently I was contemplating to myself about the imagination and I came across a revelation that has been with me for a very long time but I had never brought it to the forefront of my consciousness. This was the revelation...

I have always seemed to innately think that human beings don't have separate imaginations. I have always seemed to assume that all humanity's imaginations are somehow connected together
all humanity is somehow connected to this one massive thing that we choose to call Imagination and when we are using our minds we are looking or using this one massive world of the imagination that we are all a part of. So when we see or experience the imagination, we are looking into the same world. So I have always been under the assumption that everyone's imaginations are not separate but connected and part of the same thing, world or substance.

Maybe people feel that same about this as well. That is quite a funny revelation that I came upon during my contemplation while I walked. Some might scoff by what I'm saying but why should the world of the imagination be less real than the world that we call reality? I mean people spend time in both of these worlds don't they?

I also think that just because things are in the imagination, that doesn't mean that they are not real. For example, all of the characters, people, places and so forth that you see through your imagination are just as real as what you see through your eyes. Some might even argue that what you see through your imagination is more real that what you see in the 'real' world.

If someone imagines a bookshelf with many books on it, nicely carved and varnished they may think,
"Wow, that table looks so amazing. I want that in my sitting room."
So what they do is that they get wood and the necessary instruments and they make it. They then look at what they have made and think,
"I now have it."
So what have they done? They seem to have pulled that 'real' bookcase that they see in their imagination and they made it manifest into this physical, material world. This is what humans have been doing for centuries. They have been taking objects or ideas from their imagination and made them manifest in our world. So when you look around at everything then all of these things have their origins in their world of the imagination that humanity has tapped into. Many things around you are gifts from the imagination and the world of ideas that we tap in to all the time.

Stuff like books and all sorts of culture are all gateways.

I'll probably stop here.

Take what you want from this. Perhaps what I have said is blatantly obvious to some people

Over and Out.

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