Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My life over the amount of time it has been since my last post.

"Hey Ed, I'm reading these blogs all the time and I really REALLY want to learn about your life. Please post another of your amazingly spectacular blogs...because your writing is better than that Charles Dickens and since I've been reading your blogs I have come to the opinion that Dickens is an inferior writer to what you put on your blog."

You just read that first line in your head... which means that you were thinking those words at some point, hence you must think the same thing in that last paragraph. Why thank you. (*What your really thinking at this point is 'what a knob.' But don't worry I was jesting.*)

Here is a list of points in the last few days that stick in my head as worthy events to put into symbols and sentences for the sake of whoever or whatever goes onto this page.

1. You know I mentioned in my the secod blog before this that my mum might have some gypsy blood in her. Well this event is a complete coincidence to that. Well I'm staying at the family house at the moment, trying to get as much money as I can for next academic year at university and spending time with family. So anyway, I walked into Leicester City centre to go to the opticians because something seemed to be going wrong with my right eye (which is my lazy eye). I was hopeful that they would say that I need glasses. The examination lead to a mighty disappointment as my eyes were perfectly healthy and fine...dammit.

My mum (who works in the city) met me after the examination. (This part of the story is the coincidence bit). She told me that by the water fountain, on the grassy part, there is a group of gypsies doing a performance (a mummers play as my fellow storytellers would know it to be called.) We went there and there gypsies were attracting a good crowd. They were speaking spanish so we didn't know what they were saying but we had an idea of what they were doing through actions. One of the men was dressed up as a woman with cow udders, another man who painted completely red with devil horns (could he be the devil by any chance?Uh...yes). There were also two women dressed in black with corpse make up, the rest of the troupe were musicians. From what I could tell, the devil was trying to get a wife and he was looking for them in the crowd. My mums work break was over so she left. I stayed there for a bit, then decided it was getting hot and I was getting hungry so I left. But it was a triumphant display of folk entertainment and made me proud of being a Leicesterian.

2. I painted the house for my parents...well the outside because they asked me to do so. I was well up for the job, listening to the music in the sunny day, under the shade of the tree on the front, just painting and letting my thoughts drift as I wore my new hat.

That is all. I didn't get glasses.......I saw gypsies........I painted the outside of the house for my parents.......and I got my grades for my second year university course which I won't be saying on this blog for obvious reasons.

Over and Out Bye bye.

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