Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Loud women who want rent money and the bag of awesome.

I'm not usually one for doing two posts for two days in succession but I wish to write about today because vaguely hilarious events happened on my travels.
My sister came in to my room at 9am and told me to wake up. I think I asked her the time but I can't remember exactly because I was at that state in which you are a half vegetable that isn't quite sure what's going on. Cheese biscuits would be a more accurate representation of something that I might have said but... ya know.
Long story short I got on to a bus to St Margarets bus station, got a National Express bus to Derby and got off. My first job of the day was to go to Nicholas J Humphreys to hand in my keys for the summer and give them that rent money that they asked for. When I came in, there were two people behind their own desks both on phones, so naturally I waited until one of their conversations had ended, so I could do the deed. After about maybe two seconds I was daydreaming and didn't realise that one of them had put the phone down and was waiting for me to approach them.
"Yes duck." she said.
No response from me because I only half heard it while reflecting...and I thought she was talking to somebody else in the back of my mind.
"Yes duck!" she shouted...literally.
I snapped out of whatever was going in my mind (I'm not going to tell you what I was thinking because I wish to not give any spoilers to a work of creative expression that I might want to share in the future.) The reason that I am speaking about this part of my day is because she really belted out her words the second time. She had some real lungs on her...no doubt she was an opera singer in a previous life.
The bus that I needed to catch would come to Derby at 3:40pm so I had about three hours to spare. One obvious thing to do was to go to my house to see who was there but then I remembered that I had handed my keys in and I didn't want to go back and ask for them. I was so ready to get the rent thing over and done with that I didn't think about going to the house first and 'then' handing my keys in...I blame my higgeldy biggeldy creative mind for that oopsy daisy.
So what did I do...

"You went round Derby for three hours Ed."

Don't interupt me when I'm telling you a story. Well guess what? I went round Derby for three hours. I bought a sandwich and some mountain dew. (It was actually the first time I had mountain dew. Why is there so much hype about it? It tastes no different from Lemonade.)
I then bought some cool badges to pin to what I like to call my rock of awesome bag. I bought Jimi Hendi badges and cool British ones that said things like...
1.Keep calm and carry on.
2. Keep calm and rock on and
3. Keep calm and make a tea.

How British of me thought I.

I then got to the National Express bus on time, got home, plated up some Shepherds pie (because of... look at the previous blog) for my dad and I and then came up to my room in order to write this mass of words.

Peace and all that.

Over and Out.

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