Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Putting on suits to go around the village pubs.

I have been awake for some time because I can't get to sleep so I have decided that I'll write about last night and the previous day...and keep reading because it gets interesting.

For the past two days I have been hanging out with my two mates Dave (or ex why zero if you are familiar with his gaming exploits or are a friend of his on facebook) and Tom (who is mainly known as Munchy.)

Well before I tell you the suit story I shall talk to you about sneaking out at a late hour with Munchy and Dave in the village of Barrow for no apparent reason but to walk in the middle of the street because it is deserted during the midnight hours. We climbed over a fence to get out of the house. We could have actually used the door but climbing over the fence is apparently more quiet...I'll just leave it there. We were just walking around Barrow aimlessly just because it was cool and dark and it's what we used to do in the old days when we were mere secondary school students doing GCSE's.

The next day we all woke up and walked around Leicester City (and it be honest I was refreshed after all these days under the heat of the sun.) It was then suggested that we all go back to mine and have a walk around my village Birstall and 'chillax' in one the village pubs. Munchy suggested that since we all owned suits and we all happened to have them on our possession for some reason we thought we would get dressed up in them; ties, waistcoats, jackets and everything in order to go to the pub. This was done, in the hope that people think that we were important businessmen or Mods or just people with good style...or prats.
So now I write this blog as Munchy and Dave are behind me.
That is all. And remember that suit wearing is very important if your are top hats.
Over and Out.

P.S A picture will be put up later showing us suited up.

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