Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A birthday party, playing Rock Band and a knackering on yah!

I have just returned from the house of Munchy after a celebration of the twentieth year of the life of my friend Dave. Dave and Munchy (their blog is in the followers bit to the side of this blog) and I camped out in the garden, each bringing our tents with us...apart from Munchy because we were at his house...and he had thrown away his tent some time ago because it said some very mean things to him. But anyway onwards with the story.

We arrived in Leicester at about 5:00pm, after being at the Munchy house for a few hours, at a place called Soar Point, a student type place where most people from Demontfort University go to (an inferior uni to Derby uni...just because of something that I like to call 'patriotic discrimination'...hence Derby is the best uni in the country).
We sat in the corner on some comfortable seats and talked about the usual things that young dudes talk about. After a while loads of people came in their...threes to wish Dave a happy birthday. It was through the coming of these people that I got a few good conversations...even though I was continually commented on giving off vibes of being quiet.
I got into some good geeky conversations which I'm happy about and found out about an event that is on at Demontfort which I may be thinking about going to.

After a few hours of chilled out chatter we headed to another place where I danced...surprisinging I never did the robot. I generally just moved my arms and feet in a way that suggested that I had a basic understanding of what dancing actually was. I may have seemed to everyone else that I was having an electric shocks through my feet which may have been a good excuse for my skills.

Twas just like Soar Point that we stayed at this place for about an hour then walked back to a flat of with my newly acquired aquantences in order to play Rock Band on Xbox.
We were all tired after a bit (as was to be expected) so Dave, Munchy and myself bid all adieu and headed to the bus station to return to the tents in the garden. We were waiting too long so we decided to walk from the bus stop in the direction of other bus stops. We did this for an hour until we passed a bus stop and was picked up. We travelled until we got to Loughborough, got off that bus and then walked for a few miles until we got back to the house and fell asleep in the tents.

The next day I woke up at 12:00am, said goodbye to Dave and bought things. Myself and Munchy then melted some Fruit Pastilles in the microwave and ate the goo, then I left.

One of the best times I have had this summer.

Where did I put my Fruit Pastilles?

Over and Out

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