Sunday, June 27, 2010

Going to a hog roast because I come from a gypsy and a boarding school graduate.

I went to one of my dads engagements with his old school today. He went to a boarding school called Ratcliffe College, between the years *mumbles* and *mumbles*. Anyway my dad said to the family if we would like to come and we all said yes because he said there was going to be a hog roast... and to support him when he did his speech thing I suppose (I'm being vaguely sarcastic...and by 'vagely' I mean we would have gone anyway to support him... but the mention of the hog roast sweetened the deal.)
The last time that I was at his old college I was about ten or twelve or something so I only had a small recollection of what it looked like.
When we got to the place I remembered immediately Ratcliffe College. My first reaction was how posh it was. It literally is a copy of Hogwarts, it even had a water fountain (just to say that my dad has glasses...I think you know what I'm talking about.)
We got there and ate some of that sweet hog...and stuffing...and salad. We had brought a picnic with us but we just brought that back home in the end. I intend to eat some of it after I finish this blog typing.

And now I'm back.

And that's about it.

Ooooh yeah. We sat down at the end of the day (back at home), for a bit as it was getting dark and watched a bit of Glastonbury on TV. We watched the Scissor Sisters and about twenty seconds of Editors. It was, during one point in one of ther funky songs, that I came to a very significant revelation in my life.........Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellen sound exactly the same. One of their songs they had a voice that sounded exactly like Patrick Stewart. (It was the song in which the lady was doing a dance with that golden fabric and the main singer was singing in a ''mysterious'' tone.) But anyway I pointed out that the voice that they used for one part of that song was the legend that is Patrick Stewart. It came to pass that while I was in my room, looking at comics and inventing fictional people in my head, the thought came to me in a wave........oh my giddy parrot......that wasn't Patrick Stewart, it was Ian Mckellen. Those two amazing actors sound exactly the same.

Also word on the grape vine is that we lost to the Germans in football......meh, you can't win them all.

Abrupt ending to blog.
Over and Out.

P.S My mum is a little bit of a gypsy. There may be some gypsy blood in my mums family...hence I am a little bit of a gypsy...hence I must now travel the lands of Britain and be a bard or something.

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