Monday, November 4, 2013

The Science of Language (Nlog Day 3).

Seeing as how I am doing daily posts for the second time in my life, I have started to become aware of whether I can think about things that I will find universally beneficial and relevant to anyone reading, while at the same time being able to write something that interested me during a specific day. The amount of visitors that I get are consistent no matter what I write so... let's get this on the road.

Initially, when you read the blog title "The Science of Language" many people that read this will assume that the subject that I'll be writing about will not be of any relevance to them (maybe)... BUT... if anyone chooses to read along, they will find that they can take away a few things from what I say and maybe apply it to their life.

My interest of the day is about symbols and language and what they do to the human mind. An idea came my way today, that seemed so obvious and familiar...

"Language and symbols are the coding system of the human mind."

Why this is so relevant to EVERYONE and so fascinating is that with this information, you can program your own personal experience with ease.

Everything that we are is what we think or what we have thought. This means that taking care of your inner world and keeping it at its peak is an essential responsibility and will have real effects in your reality.

"All that we see are our perceptions, we mistake that as our reality."

Our outer reality can be seen as a reflection of our inner reality... so if we wish to change our outer reality, then we must change our thoughts... which we can do through language and symbols because that is the way that our mind works.

Thoughts are seeds that are planted in your mind garden... the thoughts that are good are tended and worked upon.

Language and the symbols that we use to represent language can be used to change things for you and others.

The main purpose of Art is in line with the ideas I'm talking about (good art I mean). The purpose of art is probably debatable but for many people is to do such things such as,

  • increase awareness.
  • to affect mass change through changing the consciousness of others.
  • to manipulate the mind for good (or bad I suppose).
  • To widen the doors of achievable reality.
Reality is all in the mind... so be wise about what you think. 

The next post will be related to this post... I will be talking about... look at the next post and find out.

Over and Out.

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