Thursday, November 7, 2013

(Nlog Day 6).

...Would you like a packet of crisps?
Now that that question it out of the way... I shall begin the post.

Two clear ambitions came to my mind for some reason today. The first ambition is starting a business. The second is a burning desire to write a book. I was not sure why these two ambitions came to my mind but it was this line of thinking that made me think about general life goals.
I happened to be in Leicester on an errand and I picked up a book about archetypes. According to this book humans are summed up in these ten types,

  • The Adovocate.
  • The Artist/Creative.
  • The Athlete.
  • The Caregiver.
  • The Fashionata.
  • The Intellectual.
  • The King/Queen/Executive.
  • The Rebel
  • The Spiritual Speaker
  • The Visionary.
I would say that I was a few of these things. 

I'm not going to tell you which one I am... without giving anything away I was the second one... although I would say that I was in one way or another, most of them in some degree.

If you follow who you are then you will apparently be more successful because you are going with your own personal current so things will flow more freely... sounds good... I'm reading on.

Over and Out.

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