Friday, April 20, 2012

Meat Is The Cause of Overpopulation Plus A Recollection of My First Recorded Nightmare.

"I'll tell you a plan for gaining wealth,
Better than banking trade or leases- 
Take a bank note and fold it up-
And then you will find you're money in creases!
From 'Epigram for Wall Street' by Edgar Allan Poe. 

I was reading the newspaper today and I read the headline,


I was willing to accept that idea. It said that meat helped humanity to have more children because it made weaning come more early. The article made it sound like eating meat was the only reason that caused humanity to grow and get to where it is now. Surely there are the other factors that we can put into consideration. I mean thousands of years ago we were in danger of being wiped out and there were two human species, Neanderthals and us lot. If the climate and weather conditions didn't change then things might have been much more different.
Anyway if any politicians are complaining about there being too much people on the planet they should not introduce some sort of family planning thing... they should just tell people to go veggie.

A few nights ago I had my first ever nightmare. It was the first nightmare that I think I have ever remembered and it was about time.
I was running in a shadowy hallyway (not necessarily from something) and I ran into the lift that was at the end of the hall. I pressed the button for the lift to move and I realised that there was very little room in the lift because both my arms were touching both opposite sides of the lift. I began to fall and I remember clearly that I was anticipating what was going to happen when I hit the bottom. Just as I hit the bottom I raised my legs...
... then I woke up with a shudder (the type of shudder you sometimes get when you think you are falling while you are getting off to sleep). 

When I woke up I was genuinely grateful to be alive... I'm looking forward to another nightmare to be honest if my subconscious allows it.

Over and Out.

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