Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In The Garden... Nought But Dust (I'm Tidying My Room As I Write This).

Below me are two pictures. Each of these pictures are different in some way.

Picture 1.

Picture 2.

The grass is not as tall as the other (picture 2 is the less tall grass one)... I probably should have made you guess but you may have just read on until you got the answer anyway.
I have been doing gardening recently (the pictures are from me gardening at my own house because... might as well) and I have not realised how beneficial to my inner world mowing the lawn is. As you mow the lawn you are basically forced to think... unless you're listening to music but then again you are usually thinking while you are listening to the music anyway. It is through my last few gardening jobs at the moment that have given me a compulsion to think a lot more than I already had been doing... which basically means that right now I am nothing more than a consciousness contemplating about everything.
As I was mowing the lawn today one of my thoughts was (not said in the way I shall present it to have been said but just as a thought... it was more of a lingering feeling if anything),

Ah mowing the lawn... I am taming the wilderness that has existed for millions of years before humanity. When humanity has gone this nature shall smash human civilisation and make the world it's dominion once again... Humans are nought but dust I tell ya!

You know by that description of the type of thoughts I was having... those vaguely profound ones in which you think about obvious subjects with obvious viewpoints but you are thinking about them because you are doing something that vaguely involves them at the time of your thinking those thoughts. It is similar to the thought that usually pops into my head when I am at the seaside,

Ah the sea... mother of creation. You can create and you destroy, raging and calm, like the gods of ancient myths. Your mystery knows know bounds. What does all this mean? Humans are nought but dust I tell ya!

or the thought that I have when I'm eating a sandwich.

Ah sandwich... quencher of hunger. You were made by humans hands... hands that are nought but dust...

As you can see there were some nice daffodils at the furthest lawn. I had to cut them down and mow over them... but fear not because they are now relaxing in a pot with their other mates.

Apart from gardening I have been reading, writing and winning four or so solitaire games this week and smelling the sweet smell of grass... amazing.

... I'm doing more gardening over the next few days as well. More contemplating for ole Ed.

Over and Out.

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