Friday, August 5, 2011

Four Days Without Civilisation (Day 3).

Today we woke up and readied ourselves to walk up the mountain that stretches one thousand feet in the sky behind the house. We walked through the field towards the mountain and then went down to the stream where we would officially begin our journey. It was from the magical tinkling of the stream that we ascended on our way to the top.
The last time that I was up the Twisty mountain was quite a few years ago. The bracken was higher than our heads and it seemed longer than it took this day to go to the top. It was much different going to the top. It took no longer than an hour and a half to go the the top, stay on the top for twenty or so minutes and then go down again. It seemed to take much longer all those years ago.
Eventually we got to the to the end of our journey all the way.
The picture above is my brother and sister standing on the edge of the rocky part. Behind them is quite a massive fall... and it was rather windy. It was lucky we got down the mountain alive...probably.
You may be able to see a flat rock under all the greenery. This is the origin of the spring. All of the water that comes out of the taps is natural spring water that comes from the mountains. Basically every time you shower, wash up or simply drink water here you are using the natural water from the surrounding area.

A great day.

To be continued......

Over and Out.

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