Friday, August 26, 2011

Useless Self Indulgent Questionnaire From a Website.

Self explanatory says I to myself says I.

Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
It's a grandad shirt that I found in my drawer one day.
What's currently bothering you?
An itchy foot.
What do you currently hear?
A television.
When was the last time you had your hair cut?
A month and a bit ago.
When were you last outside?
About two hours ago.
Are you wearing shorts?
I haven't worn shorts during the day for ages. I've only worn shorts when going to bed.
Does the thought of marriage scare you?
Just something that I don't think about at the moment but whatever happens happens.
What are you doing today?
I WAS sending out CV's for work experiences.
Look to your left, what is there?
The end of a sofa.
What time did you go to sleep last night?
About two in the morning.
When is your Birthday?
3rd January.
The way to win your heart?
Being free spirited, non- knobbish.
What are you going​ to do this weeke​nd?
Meeting people. Chillin' like a villain.
Were you happy when you woke up today?
Thoughtful, singing to myself.
Have you ever crawled through a window?
A few times, yes.
Would you ever donate blood?
I'd like to but not any time soon. 
Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member?
Do you have reason to smile right now?
Yes. There is always a reason to smile.
Why is the song you picked for your myspace song up?
I haven't used that for ages but the last song pricked my ears up was What the Water Gave Me by Florence and the Machine.
What do you do when you're stressed out?
Deal with it, listen to music or contemplate in a relaxed manner for a little bit.
Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?
I think so. I just hope it doesn't come to that.
Could you forgive a boyfriend or friend who physically hurt you?
Depends how hard and if the intention was to cause me pain... I don't think I would be in that situation anyway.
Do you open up to people easily?
Yes, if they are friendly.
Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Nope. I can't remember where I put my wallet... my memory offends me.
What is the last pill you swallowed?
A multi- vitamin thingy.
What was the first thing you thought this morning?
Cup of tea.
Who do you blame for your bad mood today?
I don't have a bad mood.
What was the first thing you did this morning?
Do you care of what people think of you?
Not really. 
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
My mate Munchy.
What are you looking forward to right now?
Enjoying whatever happens in the future.
Do you miss someo​ne?

I can contact a lot of people thanks to technology.

Where was your default pic taken?
Does your crush like you?
Lissie Maurus, the folky singer... we have never met.
Is there a person of the opposite sex that means a lot to you?
There is a few.
If you could go back in time and change something would you?
Nope because then I couldn't think about it and learn from it.
Do you hate smokers?
No. Smoking doesn't affect the person the niceness of people. People can do what they want.
Is it hard for you to get over someone?
It takes as long as any other person.
Ever had a near death experience?
I blew up once...
Something you do a lot?
Listen to music, read, be in my own head.
Last person you cried in front of?
A family member.
Where will you be 18 hours from now?
I don't know. I haven't planned that far.
Have you ever been to a tanning bed?
Hell no boy!
Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?
I wouldn't think so.
Does anyone hate you for no reason?
I don't know but they have every right to.
Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with the letter J?
It's possible I had sometime in my life.
What are you stressed out about?
S'all good... but work experience.
Where do you want to go university?
What's your favourite season?
Early Autumn.
What was your favourite grade?
When is the next time you'll see your best friend(s)?
Any day we feel we wish to see each other.
Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?
I don't know, vain to assume.

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Favourite number?
I actually don't know.
What do you like most sunrise/sunset?
The natural radiant beauty.
When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or the lights off?
Lights off.
Are you wearing make-up?
What were you doing at 11:30 last night?
Looking on youtube perhaps/ listening to music.
What's the last thing you said and to who?
I don't know what I said but it was a comment to my sister about something on the television.
Can you whistle?
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I wouldn't mind a tattoo.
Do you sleep on your stomach?
On my back.
What do you hear?
The TV.
Are you ticklish?
On my sides if squeezed.
Last time you saw fireworks, with who & where?
At a faire at my local park with my family an my sisters boyfriend.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Four Days Without Civilisation (Day Four).

The day was restful.There was a really old church not far away from the house so we went there to play an organ that was housed there. The church was hardly ever used and it was a drive, a walk over a bridge and a field till we got there.
It was in a mass of fields without company apart from the cows.
I have no idea about organs whatsoever, I just assumed that it was similar to a piano. What I learnt was that two people were needed to play one, the first person to actually play the thing and the other person was at the back pumping the massive fan thing at the back. We took turns pumping the lever as the organ was being played.
I walked around the church for a bit. Most of the inscriptions and so forth were from the 1700's..... which is nearly as old as my dad.
.....Oh yeah and then we played pooh sticks on the bridge nearby.

Over and Out.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Four Days Without Civilisation (Day 3).

Today we woke up and readied ourselves to walk up the mountain that stretches one thousand feet in the sky behind the house. We walked through the field towards the mountain and then went down to the stream where we would officially begin our journey. It was from the magical tinkling of the stream that we ascended on our way to the top.
The last time that I was up the Twisty mountain was quite a few years ago. The bracken was higher than our heads and it seemed longer than it took this day to go to the top. It was much different going to the top. It took no longer than an hour and a half to go the the top, stay on the top for twenty or so minutes and then go down again. It seemed to take much longer all those years ago.
Eventually we got to the to the end of our journey all the way.
The picture above is my brother and sister standing on the edge of the rocky part. Behind them is quite a massive fall... and it was rather windy. It was lucky we got down the mountain alive...probably.
You may be able to see a flat rock under all the greenery. This is the origin of the spring. All of the water that comes out of the taps is natural spring water that comes from the mountains. Basically every time you shower, wash up or simply drink water here you are using the natural water from the surrounding area.

A great day.

To be continued......

Over and Out.

Four Days Without Civilisation (Day 2).

Today was the birthday of Claude (see previous blog) hence the days events involved looking at presents, eating a feast of sweets and................finding out about a spiritual guardian. A few guests turned up at the house and saw the mass of food on the table. One of these guests told us that he was a psychic, able to read an aura and tap into the 'spiritual realm'. I am of a skeptical nature but I was willing to listen to him and it turned out that what I heard was very interesting.
While he was talking about his experiences he turned to my sister and I and asked whether we were a couple. After telling him that we were twins he then went further and said that we both share a spiritual guardian, going into description about this person. The spiritual guardian had a long, flowing cape that swished around everywhere. He told me that this guardian had symbols that he keeps putting in front of me. I wonder what that could mean?

This was the most interesting part of the visit of the medium to the house. The conservatory had what he might term 'negative energy'. From the explanation that was given by the medium, negative energy was running in a line through the conservatory due to underwater streams that ran under the house. The way that this negative energy can be taken out of the conservatory was to change it's flow through the use of specific stones. I was boggled about what it all meant to be honest but I watched as he took two massive boulders and walked into the field by the conservatory, dug holes and put these stones upright in the field. Here is a picture of this being done...
This was a new experience for me and I didn't fully understand the whole explanation but it was intriguing nonetheless and I am better off knowing about the practice. It was food for thought as they say...
...speaking of food the chocolate cake that was made was thick, rich and amazing, a sixteenth century recipe I believe and each slice was about 700 calories. I'm a thin one so calories meant nothing to me. We tucked into that feast with mirth, even one of the chickens came in and tried to get a bit of the action.

As night fell and the guests had left we settled down for a night of board games. I lay in bed that night and looked out of the window. I remember it was cloudy so I couldn't see the stars that night. I fell asleep and thought about standing on the mountain by the house during the dark hours and what it would be like.

Over and Out.

To be continued... again...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Four Days Without Civilisation. (Day 1).

About two or so weeks ago I travelled to Wales to visit my uncle, his partner Claude and the surrounding area. This will be my third post talking about this area but it is a very fabulous place and I wish to share the wonder and relaxation this secluded house which has always been known as Twistybach.
We arrived after a boiling three hour car journey and found out that a day before our coming there had been three new arrivals...
 Three of these little fellahs had hatched only the day before and they were already up and pouncing about. In the kitchen was a fly gun to shoot fly's with that can then be given to the mother hen who will then take all the credit for the fly catching and give it to the chicks.

As we were sitting down reading or mind wandering in the conservatory we heard a tapping at the window, a strange sound... as if someone was lightly throwing stones onto the surface of the window. We looked up and saw three more new arrivals that had arrived after the last time we had come to Wales...
They were a bit mischievous. They seemingly only went to the toilet just outside the porch area and when they were sometimes allowed in the house they used the conservatory floor as a loo also. Imagine if humans were like that.

Hannah (my sister) and I went on a walk up the pathway and came upon these blighters...
Hannah and I were discussing the sound that sheep make. Many people say that sheep go 'baaahhh' but as we passed the sheep on each side of us the sheep were going 'meeeeeeeehhhhh'. I don't know whether it is merely the accent of the sheep around these parts but we came to the decision that 'meh' was the right way to pronounce that bleating thing that they do.

Here is the haunted house that we always go to...
We ate a hearty meal after the walk and settled down for the night. I slept in the galley room with my brother, a name given to it because of it being similar to a galley. We closed our eyes and awaited for the surprises that would come to us the following day.

To be continued...
Over and Out.