Monday, March 19, 2012

My Writing Process. Getting Story Ideas When Falling Asleep Doesn't Work Because You're Trying To Fall Asleep At The Time.

I've got four stories that I'm working on at the moment;

The Standing Stone.
He Needed A Body.
The Tale of Brickbrarnack.
The Lady in the Room.

Two of these stories I have been working on for ages. 'The Tale of Brickbrarnack' was an idea that I wrote a first draft for about two years ago but did no more than one draft of. 'The Lady in the Room' is a tale of something that happened in real life when I was young but is written as if it happened hundreds of years ago.
'The Standing Stone' and 'He Needed a Body' are about none of your business...yet (he winks). I both wrote the plan for these stories in those moments when you're not doing much and suddenly you give birth to a story and you think, ''My God Brain, you're a genius.''

I was half asleep, just waking up in my bed this morning and I remember thinking,
"Brakeback Bridge. Breakback Bridge.That would be great inspiration for a story."

I got up out of my bed, wrote 'Brakeback bridge onto a scrap of paper, went back to bed and fell asleep again. After I had actually got up and was fully with it I picked up the paper and wondered why my former sleep brain thought these words would inspire me.

Many people say that it is good to keep a pen and paper on your bedside just in case an idea pops up. I have been doing this for about a week and have not written much down.

Here is my line of thinking as I'm falling asleep and I get an idea...

"That's an amazing idea... 

I'm going to write that down. I bet I wouldn't have thought that up if I was in a fully consciousness state...

 Hmm I'm probably going to have to lean over and grab the pen and paper and then hurt my eyes when I have to turn the light on... 

I could just lie here...

 I can feel myself falling asleep anyway... Blow this, I'll just stay where I am, I'll remember it in the morning anyway."

... and I never remember it when I wake up.
I get most of my inspired stuff when I am awake anyway. Most of what I have tried to write down while I'm falling asleep is absolute nonsense... Breakback bridge...  I'll remember it anyway just on the off chance that it will come to some sort of use in the future.

Over and Out.

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