Monday, March 26, 2012

Card Games and How I Get To Know My Characters... Chords Make Me All Fuzzy Inside.

I have a new goal that I am starting next week. I was out doing errands last Thursday and I forgot to take my keys so I couldn't get back into the house for a bit. I decided to ramble around for a bit and happened to go into a shop called 'Crazy Prices'. After browsing for about a minute or two I bought two packs of cards for £1 which in turn has inspired my goal that I have set for this week. My goal is to learn one card game each day a week during my spare time. It won't take too long to learn a card game... so by the end of the week I will know seven more games that will be in my head.

I think that one of the hardest parts of creating characters for stories is the supposedly simple task of naming them. Some of the names that I have given to some of old characters in old stories that I have done are as follows,

  • John Watkins.
  • Oliver Fendel.
  • Howard Walters.
  • Lucy Roch.
I have always found it easier to name women characters and I'm not entirely sure why. Women's names just sound nice to my ears. I seem to be writing women that look like nymphs or nature spirits and work at markets.

As for men I've been writing male characters that are academic but have anti hero qualities about them. I also like writing about male characters that have gone mad... or have 'supposedly' gone mad.

At the moment I also like writing about characters you might find if you went to a really dingy low life pub. Just imagine going into a really bad pub Here is what I mean. Imagine this...

You see that the walls are peeling and you hear mournful blues music being played as you enter the pub... there are few people around but as you buy a drink you look and see a figure in a dark corner just sitting there alone, nursing a drink and in deep contemplation.

The shadowy character I have just described are the type of characters I like to write at the moment. What happened in their life?... I want to find out by writing about them. Brilliant stuff. I love fallen or downtrodden characters.

Yesterday I was visited by me 'ole mate Kiran. We both tend to have the same tastes and views about things. The main things we do is talk about music we have bought recently, the stuff we have learnt on guitar since our last meeting, what is happening in our life and stupid people in politics that won't calm the 'eff down and get a grip.

After our talking for a bit we went off into the sunny day and sat in the garden at The White Horse by the canal and talked some more with a coke and a half cider.

... And it's a great day right now. Why am I inside writing this? I'm taking everything outside now.

And as I promised myself the first card game that I shall be learning today shall be Four Card Golf... one down, six to go.

Over and Out.

P.S--- The picture was done by Munchy (looks at previous posts), taken ages ago and 'developed' by him.

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