Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Difference Between Nationalism and Patriotism plus rambling.

In a discussion stuff was said between myself and a friend (in the mode of 'let's talk about the serious sounding stuff'). The subject came up about nationalism and patriotism and this is what the difference might be as we saw it.

  •  Nationalism is about love of your country coupled with the belief that all other countries are inferior. The only love you have is for your country and not for any other.
  • Patriotism is about the love of your country coupled with the belief that all other countries are of worth and your country is not totally superior to others.
I am a patriot. Britain and England and the UK blah blah blah is my home. I love the culture, the lifestyle, the freedom, the democracy. But so many other countries are just as wonderful and have affected the world to a great extent. In this modern world we can't have an 'us against them' attitude, an our country against all others attitude. The music and literature I read and listen to comes from Britain, America, Germany, Scandinavian countries, even Turkey, Africa and Hungary. I love all of these countries and all of the produce, be it art or food affects us. No country can be really independent. 
I do not hold my country be be higher and superior to any other country but I am dedicated to helping it and I will work for it's upkeep, doing my bit for humanity as a whole, taking care of some land that humanity uses... for humanity, not merely just for Britain. We are no longer tribes of tight units trying to survive anymore. The world is developing and in order for it to develop further we must work together, country between country for the good of our world that continues to grow smaller and smaller.
I think that fair capitalism is fine. If people or countries are richer than another one that is fine and conforms with nature I suppose. But the rich cannot put themselves in a bubble in my opinion or only care about themselves. The rich have a social responsibility to help tackle problems. They can improve the country and the welfare of its people. 

This whole post is just two or so minutes worth of notes for a conversation. Some of the stuff may be obvious (or you may hate everything that is said here which is fine I suppose) somewhat but it's my blog...soooooooo...ya know.

Just a set of ideas that pop into the brain don't cha know.

Over and Out.

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