Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My first attempt at the Tarot (P.S I hold no personal belief in it).

I've been trying to learn the Tarot as some people may know who have been willing over the past few months to read my blog. I have always wanted to do something like this but have decided to do some other hobby instead. But now the time has come. I have tried to have a basic understanding of the Tarot and I still have got a lot to learn and memorize...it may take years.
The main idea behind the Tarot is that you are not trying to contact some supernatural being who is guiding you to pick certain cards. It is all about you contacting your higher self (apparently) so that you may decipher what your higher self is trying to say so that you can contemplate about your life and what you want to do in the future.
There are many spreads that can be used. The most common one used is the Celtic Cross spread. This is what that spread looks like,

  • 1---means what covers you. It is also meant to be the significator.
  • 2--- means what crosses you.
  • 3---means what crowns you.
  • 4--- means what is beneath you.
  • 5--- means what is behind you.
  • 6---means what is before you.
  • 7---means 'Yourself.'
  • 8--- means 'Your House.'
  • 9--- means your hopes and fears.
  • 10--- means what will come.

So with the information I had gained I attempted my first reading. I did not know many of the meanings of the cards so I was constantly looking through the book but it was a fine attempt nonetheless.
Your question to your 'higher self' need not be specific so I wanted to find out how my life might turn out in the future. Here is my spread that I made.
Fair doos spread made. Let's get this contacting- your- higher- self- thing on the road.

  • 1--- This was in the first position and was the Significator. It described what covered me. This card indicates a dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy, a postman. Beside a man he will give favourable testimony. So this card is indicating what covers me now at this point in time. If I interpret this to my real life it could mean me gaining good news concerning the work that I am hopefully about to get accepted into...favourable news eh. Let's hope so Page of Wands!

  • 2--- This is in the position to try to show me what crosses me. The Two of Cups indicates Love, Passion, Friendship, Affinity, Union, Concord, Sympathy, the Interrelation of the sexes, and that desire that is not in nature but is still sanctified by it. This could mean anything. I guess when a card indicates 'that desire that is not in nature but is still sanctified by it' then you know that your higher self is trying to remind you that chatting up radiators is wrong...well higher self, I shall chat up radiators if I please thanks.

I don't want to go through all of the cards, partly because I am not allowed for some reason to upload pictures properly anymore and also because going through all the cards might be very long and boring. 
The fifth position intrigued me as it involved indicating what was behind me. Well behind me (which is sad somewhat) is my time at university and three years of being a student. I looked at this card to see what was picked up. 
  • 5---This was the position of what was behind me and was the Moon. This card is Higher Arcana and from what I have read means that this card effects me as the person that I am and not a circumstance or event. The card represents the life of the imagination (oi oi, hint hint) as being apart from spirituality. The dog and the wolf represent the fears of the natural mind in the presence of that place of exit. The intellectual light that the light of the moon represents the 'unknown mystery' which it cannot shew forth. The light illuminates our animal nature and also illuminates the urges that are below our animal nature. Wow, after thinking on events, the symbolism involved in this card really rings true.  

I won't talk about any more cards in the reading. I'm glad you've read this far into the post. Here are all the cards that I had in their relevant positions,
  • 1---Page of Wands.
  • 2--- Two of Cups.
  • 3--- Seven of Wands.
  • 4--- Six of Swords.
  • 5--- The Moon.
  • 6--- King of Wands.
  • 7--- The Sun.
  • 8--- Temperance.
  • 9--- The King of Cups.
  • 10--- The Star.

An interesting and thought provoking activity. I'm off to have a (playing) card game with my higher self...get it.
Over and Out.

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