Monday, May 16, 2011

Dawn of the Ed.

Here is a list of some more life ambitions,

  • Go and travel for a year sometime in my life.
  • Write a book about Gothic Fiction.
  • Learn German properly.
  • Write this blog for a very, very long time.

Well my degree is over and I am back in Leicester for a bit. With the new found time that I have that isn't taken up with meeting up with people, I have delved into something that I have not properly done for three years... frickin' read...and it was amazing.
I have read Hop Frog by Edgar Allan Poe, The Strange High House in the Mist by H.P Lovecraft, the first chapter of 'Rabbit Stew' by Maggie Smith- Bendell and a Judge Dredd story arc from 2000ad on Sunday. Bliss.
What does one do after university?
"Get a job Ed...perhaps...duh Ed?"
...............Yeah well you know what I have to say to that?
With the little time I have off to do that I have made it my mission to sleep and read, go and enjoy things for a bit... just until I have to work and gain the work experience that I need.

In July I intend to write a blog post every day for the entire month.......awww yeahh, bring it on boyo!

Over and Out.


  1. Guten abend mein herr! Vie gehts dir? Ich kann sprechen sie deutsche, aber mein deutsche ist nicht gut.

    Congratulations on getting stuff done and good luck in the world of finding a job, the present situation means not many graduates are capable of finding jobs, but 1) you get more time to write 2) you can build up your skills and 3) persevere, it's the most important trait of any writer and just transfer it when you're looking for work, so think it'll be good practice for when you look for a publisher.

    The world is your oyster, so if you don't like seafood, well you're pretty much screwed. :D

  2. Thank you Bryn, very much appreciated. Since leaving uni I have written a first draft for a short story and will continue to write forever. I think we can both give each other best wishes on getting a decent job at the moment :)
