Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why do some people try to make life harder?

I am in my third year at Derby University as many of my readers know. I have to write an Independent Studies Project about the psychological benefits of storytelling. This project needs interviews, questionnaires, email questions and book research.
Recently I was looking up a popular therapeutic practice called Narrative Therapy for this project. Narrative therapy uses stories to help people create meaning. For example narrative therapy may use storytelling on a troubled youngster in order to help them to change their ways. I was reading on the subject and I came across the 'Narrative Processes Coding System.' I was intrigued as this information will help me no end in my project. This is what the book said what the NPCS was...and I quote,

" a transtheorteical heuristic developed for empirical exploration of the narrative processing strategies engaged in by both the client and the therapist in the facilitation of client self- change in the therapy hour."

Really........I mean really. Can you please tone down on the academic language? I'm no idiot but when I first read that it went completely over my head. I need to buy one of those books, Narrative Therapies for Dummies or something...at least put a definition of what the hell an NPCS is please for non- expert blokes like myself.
Jeez Louise.

Over and Out.

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