Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why I love Leicester.

There are many people that talk about how terrible their home town or city is.
"It's too full of chavs" they say or pardon the language...
"It's a sh** hole...it's not like some other cities that I've seen."

I returned to Leicester after months of living in Derby. I took the skylink bus from Derby Bus Station right into my village Birstall (and yes I love public transport also, it's a great place to meditate on things, listen to music or read.)
I passed through Loughborough, with it's market, it's Rileys, it's McDonalds and Argos. I knew where everything was from the Comic Book Shop, where the old music shop was (it closed down), where the book shop is and the small Vue cinema which holds so many teenage memories for me. People may complain about Loughborough but I have an adoration for it and I love it even more because it has it's imperfections.
We travelled on to Leicester. I looked down the road to where my Nan lives in Syston (it was her birthday also yesterday, she was ninety years old, still as bright as a button. Happy Birthday Nannie). Leicester is one of the best places in the country. There are so many brilliant places to go to, to be, so many great scenes that you can be a part of.
I love you Leicester and whatever anyone says about you, you are always going to be very special to me.
My brother, Tom opened the door of he house, gave a 'hey bro' hug and spoke to each other. It was not long before my Mum got back from work. She gave me a hug and a tea to boot.
Leicester Pride...although Derby has a good music scene...and by good I mean that not only is the scene good but the music is also of good taste Leicester gave birth to so many brilliant people...and the clock tower is amazng........sooooooooo...
Happy life living.
Over and Out.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why do some people try to make life harder?

I am in my third year at Derby University as many of my readers know. I have to write an Independent Studies Project about the psychological benefits of storytelling. This project needs interviews, questionnaires, email questions and book research.
Recently I was looking up a popular therapeutic practice called Narrative Therapy for this project. Narrative therapy uses stories to help people create meaning. For example narrative therapy may use storytelling on a troubled youngster in order to help them to change their ways. I was reading on the subject and I came across the 'Narrative Processes Coding System.' I was intrigued as this information will help me no end in my project. This is what the book said what the NPCS was...and I quote,

" a transtheorteical heuristic developed for empirical exploration of the narrative processing strategies engaged in by both the client and the therapist in the facilitation of client self- change in the therapy hour."

Really........I mean really. Can you please tone down on the academic language? I'm no idiot but when I first read that it went completely over my head. I need to buy one of those books, Narrative Therapies for Dummies or something...at least put a definition of what the hell an NPCS is please for non- expert blokes like myself.
Jeez Louise.

Over and Out.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Gig to Remember.

After a day of doing work at the library at Derby uni I set off to the accomodation of my friend and companion for the night, Kiran. Kiran had never been to the undeniable thrill of a metal gig before and I was very willing to show him what he was missing.
We entered the doorway of the Redemption Club just as the first band was doing sound checks. I looked out at the crowd and saw a mass of leather, denim jackets with bands patches sown on and band t- shirts...and long hair. This was going to be one loud night.
I was fans of two of the bands that were playing but wanted to check out the others also. All of these bands were known throughout the metal underground so it was really exciting to see them. We stood there with our drinks as the first band started. They were a band from Sweden and they rocked the kasbah. They were so good that I went to the band stall and bought their first released CD.
Four bands performed altogether. One of the bands were 'Mesopotamian Metal' and had come all the way from Jerusalem to play. I was pretty sure that the guitar and the lead vocalist pointed at me...it must have been because I was just amazing at doing random burst of headbanging... which I don' recommend doing for long periods of time.
I was talking to Kiran before the gig and he said that most of the time he listens to punk and other types of rock. He said he had never really been in to metal. Well Kiran I hope that I have converted you. Metal makes you feel excited and makes you want to jump about...and yes it is meant for both genders, there were plenty of metal chicks at the gig, a lot of them rocking about to the same degree as the males.
I recommend metal to everyone. It's gratifying, theatrical and it gives you the chance to mess about when you can't most of the time in normal life.\m/

\m/ Hail to the Metal! Raise your hands and make the sign of the horns with your two fingers! \m/
Over and Out.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Places I want to go to some time in my life...

  • New Orleans, United States.
  • Providence, Rhode Island, United States.
  • Romania.
  • Austria.
  • A Scandinavian country (maybe Norway).
  • New York.


Over and Out.