Monday, November 15, 2010

The Good Old Films of Yesteryear.

A few days ago my the adaptor for my computer went completely wacky and died on me. This meant I could no longer do any of my writing at my house, neither was I able to catch up on the Shaytard vlogs on youtube or look at guitar and drums cover videos. This lead me with a conundrum. I had the choice to read but that was a daily ritual anyway so I decided to delve into my film collection to see a film to watch.
I did not look long. I was in the mood for something simple, charming and entertaining but with a dark twist. It lead me to pick up my Hammer Horror Box set. I took the film 'Dracula, Prince of Darkness' starring Christopher Lee and shoved it in the DVD tray thingymabob.
I relaxed into the film like a duck out of water. Oh you beautiful monstrous dark creatures of past films, I missed you so very much. Most people who are not under the sway of the annoying, bratty, pretty boy vampires of the present...this is what you should be watching. Noble, unflinching, bloodshot eyes and a handsome, noble face. People seem to forget what vampires are like. What about Bela Lugosi? What about Christopher Lee? These Gentlemen Beasts are the Truth! Dark outsiders who prey on humans seductively in order to bring the world into darkness. Dracula is the Prince of Darkness for a reason and will survive in the public consciousness longer than any of these modern sick parodies of the old ways of the creatures of the night.
Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing are my favourite actors. They are not only charmingly English but they are also jolly nice chaps (or was in the case of Peter Cushing 'was' a nice chap).
Vincent Price is a goodun as well. In fact here is an excellent video of Price reciting the famous Edgar Allen Poe poem, The Raven. Absolutely beautiful and atmospheric.

Over and Out.

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