Thursday, April 15, 2010

Long time, no post Ed!!!

I wanna talk about the music that I have been listening to recently. I could talk about the coursework that I have been doing but I am having a break from that by writing this blog... and I can't guarantee that you will be interested in my research so I thought I will talk about music because everybody loves a bit of music in their life.

Righto the first artist I shall talk about is a sixties looking rock chick called Lissie. I happened to find out about her music while I was browsing on youtube for a good old tune. The first thing that I noticed was her voice (obviously) as it was quite gravelly. I quite like gravelly voices, they tend to suit folky/rocky type songs. She is travelling about Britain at the moment with some other musician who I can't be bothered to look up and remember. But anyway I found out that some time in the summer, August I believe, she will be in Leicester for some festival at the De Montfort Hall. I'll be in Leicester at the time but I'll have to see what happens.

...AAAnnnnd swiftly on to the second musician. Myself and my sister first saw this band when we watched Later with Jools Holland on BBC 2 just last night. They are called 'Villagers' but the focus seems to be the acoustic guitar player. From what I have learnt so far is that they are an Irish band who have represented Ireland in a festival that I can't remember. But they are really good. My sister and I can't stop listening to their song 'Becoming a Jackal.' They are on youtube if you wish to hear brilliance incarnate. I would post a link but this blog won't let me. Aw well sunny Jim.

Ummm I thought I was going to talk about another musician but I can't think of any more. Actually I will say that over these last few weeks I have been listening to different music than I used to. For about two years now I have mostly been listening to rock, punk, metal, 60's and 70's music and acoustic bands. But recently I have been branching out to other types of music that I originally never would have thought of listening to. But one thing is for sure. I will never EVER get into gangster rap. The only things that I discriminate against in this life is gangster rap, those retarded N'Dubz morons, chavs, The Office USA, Life on Mars USA, Law and Order UK and baked beans.

And on that angry sounding bomb shell (I'm not angry at the moment by the way, the words just make he suggestion that I am) I bid you adieu dear reader of this blog.
Over and Out.


  1. Couldn't agree more with the gangster rap comment Ed. However, every now and then i might be in a club, dancing to ndubz. I'm enjoying myself, until i realise what it is i am dancing too.. then i feel shamed and want to punish myself :)


  2. Ha ha, fair doos Calum. To be honest I do quite like some of the songs from N''s just the people that are in it that are the problem.
