Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I've never told anyone this before but sometimes...I like to write titles to my blogs.

Here is what I have been doing over these past few days, DAHM INTERESTING STUFF IN THIS...probably.
Well I shall tell you what I have done.

1. Work... I think I'll just stop there.

2. Technically my first ever storytelling gig. Last Saturday I travelled with my storytelling brothers and sisters to Nottingham to tell stories at a fete. I told a story called 'The story of the Blacksmith"....by far one of my favourite stories ever, everyone usually loves that one. Another story I told lasted only five minutes called "Pippedy Pew."
Pippedy Pew
Me Mammy me slew
Me Daddy me ate
Me sister Kate,
Gathered up the banes
And put them between two milk white stains
And a bird I flew sing Pippedy Pew.

All in all a beautiful day. Also we could get free bacon cobs (rolls) because we were the entertainment. At the end I bought a toffee apple but I lost it for some unknown reason.

2. Filming. On Sunday I took part in a film about the Perv Busters.
Have you ever heard of the perv busters before?.....No.....ok, this is quite awkward...shall I tell you what the perv busters are?....oh alright then I will. (All of this part of this blog is entirely fictional because I wasn't actually questioning you. I was going to write about what the perv busters anyway...forgive me.)
What's going on? Oh yeah. The perv busters are a creation of my fellow Derby university brothers who film short clips. The perv busters are people that basically bust pervs, going to their houses and unperving them. The pervs tend to throws spoons and breath loudly... think of it a a zombie type film except zombies are replaced with perverts (the good, comical type pervert.) But don't worry because it is as crazy as it sounds, so it is definetly thoroughly entertaining.

3. I have also been doing other activities. The usual stuff. Ummm... doing cart wheels off sky scrapers, throwing jam at cash machines...the usual, boring stuff that everyone gets up to.

This blog looks like it's going to be a long one. Sorry.......and by sorry I mean I suggest that you get a longer attention span.
(Why do I always sound really mean in my blogs...it's meant to sound vaguely humorous. My severe apologizations.)
Over and Out.
P.S I just read through this post. It sounds weird and written badly...please read it anyway or summing or nuffing.

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