Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sound Lyrics!!!

I have invented a definition for a phenomena that we all know. Do you know that times when you are listening to a song that you love but you don't know the words to it, but you really REALLY want to sing it. Well I have the solution for you. It is called SOUND LYRICS (copyright E.J.N Astill yet everyone is welcome to use the term...I literally laugh out loud at this moment.)
This is the new name for the times when you talk nonsense words in place of the actual lyrics. For example......."We are the champions my friends" can be replaced by these nonsense words if you don't know what the lyrics are "Me mar ta rampons my mends."
Sound Lyrics!
For the times that you don't know the lyrics but you kinda know what they sound like... if that makes sense.
Within a year I intend this expression to go into mainstream use...maybe.
Take that English language.
Over and Out

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