Friday, February 19, 2010

These past few days.

I've been busy researching.
"What have you been researching?".........I am assuming, dear reader that this is the visage of the thought that has just popped into your head. If this is not the case then I will answer this question anyway for the sake of continuity.
Well I have been researching ritual and how it has affected humanity, also I have been looking at the use of symbols to create understanding and symbols as a representation for a concept, thought, society or group. Fascinating stuff and not as complicated as it sounds I assure you.
(By the way I have just read that previous paragraph back and I can't understand why I sound somewhat like an Elizabethan noble...but colourful language makes these blogs more interesting I suppose so why stop now.)
What else has been going on in my life? (This question is rhetorical, this was not another question that I thought you might be thinking...even though you may be thinking it but there you go.)
I have been writing a helluva lot for my portfolio. So far I have written about one thousand and something words and it is shaping up to be a piece that I am become proud of. I will leave it as a short story for the sake of grades but at the end of this academic year I may make it into a less shorter story if you catch my drift, I have a few ideas for more characters banging around in my head so here's to another potential project.
So here I am, at my home for the weekend with my family, a book by my side and tingling fingers from writing this blog too quickly. I shall now retire from typing because I think I have said enough......and to be honest I can't be bothered to type anymore because I want to get some reading of my book under my belt.
Over and Out.

(P.S---This is just a personal memo to me but please Ed, stop using brackets for useless pieces of information during blog narratives, close brackets.)

1 comment:

  1. No hay mas ciego el que vé y no qiere ver que el que oye y no quiere oir de donde sacan estas gentes la inocencia de estos asesinos pederast y padres inrresponsables.No se puede engañar con fotitos y palabras compradas el timo del xiglo de todos los tiempos parece mentira en los tiempos que estamos y todo con la ayuda mediática que tenian que ser el ejemplo del mundo...!!!quien es digno de transparencia en este mundo¡¡¡
