Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday at home with the family.

It's been a right day for weather today as you, anonymous reader may have experienced yourself. I woke up after a good nights sleep, the normal questions buzzing round my head every time I am in a half conscious state,
"What's going on? Where am I? What's my name?" I then realised that the dream I had awoken from was actually in fact ...a dream. This lead to a mighty disappointment, I was quite enjoying it (I can't remember it now by the way.)
So I roll out of bed and pulled back the curtains and with joy I said "Well right ruddy heck, it's snow. Oh how I do love to run in the snow and create snow men. I'm just so bally excited at the moment, I must pull out my fiddle and do a jig to express my joy at this most wonderful time." I then took out the instrument and began playing, bursting out of the room, prancing about the house and then eventually skipping with my family outside so that we may all eat dinner and drink mulled wine in the snow to celebrate this most wondrous turn of events.

That was not my real reaction, funnily enough. My reaction was more along the lines of,
"Huh, it seems to have snowed during the night." (I do believed I shrugged forthwith after this statement, I may have also scrratched my head...) The last description was more exciting though so I give you permission to think that that was the event that happened upon my waking from my slumber.

The rest of the day was good. I had a Sunday roasted dinner with chicken in tasty sauce, roast potatoes and veg. The pudding was tasty, tasty stroodle, served with tasty, tasty, tasty bitter fizzy lemon juice. I then read from my tasty, tasty book and looked at things on my tasty laptop and then I began typing some tasty words which enriched my tasty short story.

...oh yeah and the snow had disappeared by about 4. 30 pm.....what's that all about?

All in all the day was very complimentary to the enjoyment of my life. It was also good to see my nan as well.
Over and Out squadron leader.

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