Friday, January 13, 2012

Inspiration (1) Records of Dreaming for Inspiration.

For about a week I have been making it my business to remember all of the dreams that I have had in order to write them down. It has been said by Mr Loadsofpeople that dreams are a great inspiration for stories. Hence I recorded down my dreams.

Come hither and read some of the stuff that has been happening in my mind while I sleep... if you want.

  • Earlier this week I was visiting my friend Dave. I slept on his sofa for the night as I usually do when I visit and this was my dream: "I dreamt that I was in the same place that I was, sitting on the same sofa, in the same room I was actually sleeping. I was sitting down. I was using a kindle (maybe because I picked one up recently) and I knew that what I was reading was about some sort of world war that was going to happen but hadn't happened yet. A child sat on the sofa and asked what I was doing. I showed him/her the document and we read about the future war together. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and for some reason knew that if I threw the glass of water over my head, it would mean that I could fly. I went out into the garden and threw the water over me and flew into the sky. I must have been flying around for a bit but I landed back in the garden and went back inside the house. The child was still there. She smiled then some person fell downstairs because their trousers had fallen down...which was a good slapstick moment of the dream."
  • I was at home when this dream happened. "I was meeting someone in a shop. In the shop was a rectangular table and two chairs. I was sitting on one of the chairs waiting for someone. The person that came was a man in his mid thirties with rectangular glasses and he instantly sat down and crossed his legs. I knew just from looking at him that he did not look like that and that he was not really a man in his mid thirties with glasses. What he really looked like didn't have any form but I didn't say anything. We talked together for a while but when I was about to leave he asked if he could hug me. I hugged him but as we pushed together we became this one massive blob and all I could see in my vision was my face with lots of different coloured lights shining on it. I then turned and saw a man looking at me, looking angry, shaking his head and folding his arms and it annoyed me that he was angry because his sister (who was called something strange) wouldn't allow him to do what he was doing."
  • The dream I had last night: "I was watching a television. From what I remember on the screen was a raging sea (similar to the sea that you might see on one of the BBC 2 title screens...but without the BBC 2 bit) and two people standing on a massive rock in the sea. On the bottom right of the screen was a digital clock type thing that you might see while you watched the BBC News. As I watched the scene on the screen I looked at the time on the clock every so often. I knew it was early in the morning in my dream. The time came for me to look at the clock again but when I did it had turned to the afternoon on the 24 hour digital clock (16:00 for example) ... and that freaked me out because I knew that it was the morning in my dream." As I became freaked out I suddenly woke up because someone made a noise near my room.
I couldn't remember any other of my dreams, or I could remember some of them but it was so confusing and confounding that I found it hard to recall it. I have some other dreams under the bag and I'll record a few more then stop. 

I wish to write some bizarre literature, perhaps from some more dreams that I will get in the future. Bizarre, bizarre world of dreams. Crazy world of the mind. 

Over and Out.

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