Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Folklore and Urine.

This is a good question to start off this blog post... Do YOU want to have inexhaustible money?

"Sure do Ed... carry on typing and let me know how to get that!"

I know what you may be initially thinking that I might tell you. Perhaps I shall tell you that you should save a £5 a week in a separate bank account or get into business and learn the ropes of making money... perhaps you were thinking that you could put some money in shares or something... well you were wrong.

THIS is how you get money...

If by accident, you find the back tooth of a horse, carry it about with you as long as you live and you will never want money: but it must be found by chance.


Quick fact: Alan Sugar and every other rich person that has ever existed always keeps a horse tooth in their pocket at all times... that's why they are so rich... obviously.

Have you ever wanted to turn invisible? I sure have... and here's how,

Get a raven's heart, split it open with a black- hafted knife, make three cuts and place a black bean in each cut. Then plant it and when the bean's sprout put one in your mouth and say,
"By virtue of Satan's heart,
And by the strength of my great art,
I desire to be invisible."

I could go on and on about the amount of times that I have taken a bean sprout from a rotting bird corpse and become invisible... I mean the amount of raven's I've had to kill in order to become invisible beggars belief.

I'm joking of course about the above superstitions...

A few months ago I was given a book called 'Lady Wilde: Ancient Legends of Ireland' and have been looking up various superstitions, folk customs and belief out of a curious amusement.

The folk customs that I have read don't sound any more bizarre (bizarre= wonderful) than what some scientists have been doing lately. Today I read on the Independent newspaper website about SCIENTISTS GROWING HUMAN TEETH FROM URINE.
This is the article that I read if you want to also read it... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-grow-human-tooth-using-stem-cells-taken-from-urine-8737936.html

I heard a few years ago about scientists who were trying to grow teeth through human hair... but I wasn't aware of the old urine.

But in all seriousness I do believe that there is something to all this superstitious stuff. I think that if you truly believe that something will work then the subconscious mind will make things happen that will conform to the beliefs. Say you have a wart and someone says to go and roll in mud and kiss a pig... if you believe that this remedy will work then your mind will make it work... the mind's a powerful thing after all... I'm not sure how far this idea goes to turning invisible... although I can easily turn invisible, I don't know if this is true with anyone else...

Brilliant stuff.

Over and Out.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Cut Up Technique.

This is a good writing exercise and there are many ways to 'do it'. You can get a newspaper, magazine or even you can use your own writing and you cut it up randomly into a series of statements, words or sentences. You then organise these cut ups randomly and then see what comes out of it.
In this case I put two pieces of writing I had done ages ago and tried to see what I could get out of it.

This is one of my pieces of cut up writing...

My mind and my will believes life must be in a persons thinking, it has to be nothing to do with anything given outside. Live godhood to the god while the law is with some people. It is right being that brought out trying.
Many thought that people must exist, reading about the created ones preached through a book. We are the thoughts in order to live and hence the lounge recognises itself as many lives age.
Shall the life thank and explain life? Is God their situations? Do not point at destiny as one. The best people exist the laws! As now the individual is I!  No one can party more with the universe.
What but power thought of knowledge? Take their product away from the law and from the divine. The fault must and can only be of the devil that fully made nothing they taught and understood. He taught techniques on how thoughts are comforting. All this occurred and it brings  life.
One reference to themselves will be good- looking. We must search clearly for the main shows to create purpose and forsake conditions alot. Modern? It’s you that makes people magicians. It has people aware to a wonderful and releasing doubt that teaches everything.
Their people feel sound into thoughts. How better you release life that consciously takes responsibility, whatever its mind is unconsciously saying.
My circumstances? My mind? My will? My life? I am thinking about nothing given as  godhood.  To the outside he lived while the law that had me right was literally trying.
Many ‘thought beings’ brought people to read. It helps existence to prefer what is preached to us through a book that the created ones in us live and recognise thoughts in us. Hence they lounge themselves and in their old age many lives go in many ways. God came because we are responsible. It is he that has changed us, it may mean everybody. Reality pushes life already.

I ‘am’ because of the universe. That is my life.

Over and Out.