Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Quick Story. An Unknown Legend.

I haven't posted for something like a month... I was busy trying to levitate and eventually achieved my goal... which finally means I can start posting again.

In my spare time I have been volunteering at a nearby museum as well as acting out selfless self- glorification in my life. The people that work with me are incredibly friendly and while chatting with one of them I found out about a 92 year old man (whose name I won't mention) who they knew. They told me his story about what he got up to during the second world war when he was young. After hearing the story I thought that it was so unique and so amazingly amazing that I have decided to tell it to you, whoever you are who happens to be reading this blog right now. You will be amazed. I am calling him "Old Man"...

"Old Man was in the navy during the war serving on a ship...obviously. In the bay in which he was stationed a lot of bombs were being dropped in the sea, the type of bombs that would blow up ships (they may be called sea mines... I'm not well versed in military shizzle). It was his job to go off ship and recover and deactivate these bombs that were being dropped in the sea. While he was off ship doing his job, his ship was hit and sunk. He was found and taken to a prisoner of war camp. He stayed at this camp for seven months until he found a way to escape and run away. He tried to travel in the direction of Britain by himself. He was found and captured again and then put into another camp where he stayed for a few more months but just escaped again. He continued to travel in what he thought was the general direction towards allied territory or Britain... and was captured by enemy soldiers again, put into a prisoner of war camp... again... and escaped... again. He continued to travel and survive by eating what he could, usually falling asleep in a bush or some other place that he could use as a shelter. One day he woke up and heard an uncomfortable sound of rustling in the bushes. He knew that if he was captured this time then he would definitely be shot. He came out of his cover with his hands up. The soldiers he saw were Americans driving in a vehicle which stopped right in front of him. When he asked these men what was happening he found out that he was a mere ten miles away from where the D Day landings were taking place."

I don't know if he had to fight in D Day or not... I assume not. I thought that it was a brilliant story and I felt that this unknown mans story should be told on this blog.

There are really some great characters out there... you could literally make a film out of what he did or write a very entertaining book.

Over and Out.

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