Friday, June 8, 2012

Micro Blogging... summing events and stuff in short paragraphs.

"The person who is really in revolt lives and dies in a desperate effort to persuade all the other people how good they are. It has been proved hundreds of times over that if you really wish to enrage people and make them angry, even unto death, the right way to do it is to tell them that they are all sons of God."

With the whole Queen's Jubilee thingy- ma- bob happening and then that whole Euro football thing that I hear is round the corner, flags have been pretty much been seen everyday for ages through my eyes.

I've started to pick up again the ambition of learning how to read Tarot cards... just one of those fun party tricks that I want to develop... I've said about that ages ago in my blog.

I am now officially in a band. The names of the other comrades are a lady called Sarah, Munchy and I (as in 'Ed'... when I say I, I am referring to me... not a person called I). We have had two practices so far and meet up every Wednesday.

The bus service is the backbone of Britain.

I have been interviewed by a teaching agency and soon I may be called Ed Astill/ Mr Astill, 'Covering Supervisor' or 'Support Teacher'... I just need to scan over my certificates of qualifications and wait for my CRB thing to pass through. I want to inspire minds in some way... like Samuel L. Jackson in that film... but seriously I want to inspire minds.

The latest ambition I'm working up to is getting a house of some sort of residence that has a full on library... books and bookcases on each of the four walls and a comfy seat, perhaps a table also.

Within the next year I WILL skydive.

This is my 50th post this year... the same number of blog posts that I made during my first year of doing blogging... in my second year it was 42. More blog posts shall be made... and long may it continue.

Over and Out.

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