Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Theatre Production of Frankenstein... In The Cinema.

"I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life, and stir with an uneasy, half vital motion. Frightful must it be; for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavour to mock the stupendous mechanism of the Creator of the world"
The recollection of Mary Shelley's waking dream that inspired the story of Frankenstein.

In Leicester (as some people may know) there is the Curve cinema in the 'culture district' or whatever it is meant to be called. I happened to be in a bar (which was a bit of an arty- farty place) sitting there with company and as I was leaving I picked up a brochure for the Curve cinema. 

After flicking through some of the productions I happened to comes across the filmed production of Danny Boyle's Frankenstein play. It was on (as my sister later pointed out in conversation) a so called 'encore run' because loads of people wanted to see it. 
Instead of going to the curve it turned out that myself and company would go to the special cinema in Nottingham. We bought our tickets and went. 

Man, I love gothic literature. You could pick between two versions of the production (oh yeah and it's from the National Theater by the way), one in which John Lee Miller was the monster and Benedict Cumberbatch was Victor or you could have it the other way round, with Cumberbatch as the monster and Victor being Miller. I went to the production with Miller as the monster. I always imagined Cumberbatch to play the more scientist- y, suave type, characters anyway just by the general way that he acts... in person.

Here is part of the blurb of the play that was on the souvenir sheet program,

"Childlike in his innocence but grotesque in form, Frankenstein's bewildered Creature is cast out into a hostile universe by his horror- struck maker...the friendless Creature... determines to track down his creator and strike a terrifying deal." 

The film/play went on for two hours and fifteen minutes and I was literally blown away by how brilliantly amazing it was.

The story starts with the creation of the creature, bursting out of his womb- like cocoon like a new born yet fully grown, stitched up baby. The first few minutes starts with a simple scene with the creature trying in several attempts to begin to walk. He is unable to talk so his initial frustrations can only be expressed through grunts. The first scene ends with Victor walking into the scene, looking with disgust at his creation, running away screaming.

As the play went on it went with the creature itself, allowing you to see into his early experiences of this new world that he has come into. Themes of fallen angels and the worth of all life spills into the play... a satisfying watch. 

Whenever he met a human he is rejected and reviled... which leads him to find his creator to ask him to do something for him... to create a mate, made the same way he was so that he may leave human society and flee to South America...

... that is all I shall describe about the play because you should go to the appropriate cinema and watch the play and/or read the book.

By the way the story is far more complex and wonderful than the small description that I have written.

OH BOY WAS IT GOOD! The scenery... the acting... the heart rending portrayal of the monster (I sound like a right reviewer). 

The climax of the play differed from that of the book... but didn't at all matter because it helped to express the point that was needed to be shown to the audience. The creature fighting his creator and the creator pursuing the creature... was there any purpose to it? Could both of them be each others keys to understanding the world... or be each others purposes for living? FANTASTIC!!!

Whatever type of thing is your 'thing'... then this 'thing' will be your 'thing' also no matter what 'thing' you normally like... this is something that you should see... as a favor to yourself you might say.

Nice one.

Over and Out.

P.S--- Johnny Lee Miller was a wonderful beyond believe Creature. Also where does the origin of the surname Cumberbatch come from... because it doesn't sound Anglo- Saxon or Scandinavian or anything like that... and yet it sounds English (?)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Micro Blogging... summing events and stuff in short paragraphs.

"The person who is really in revolt lives and dies in a desperate effort to persuade all the other people how good they are. It has been proved hundreds of times over that if you really wish to enrage people and make them angry, even unto death, the right way to do it is to tell them that they are all sons of God."

With the whole Queen's Jubilee thingy- ma- bob happening and then that whole Euro football thing that I hear is round the corner, flags have been pretty much been seen everyday for ages through my eyes.

I've started to pick up again the ambition of learning how to read Tarot cards... just one of those fun party tricks that I want to develop... I've said about that ages ago in my blog.

I am now officially in a band. The names of the other comrades are a lady called Sarah, Munchy and I (as in 'Ed'... when I say I, I am referring to me... not a person called I). We have had two practices so far and meet up every Wednesday.

The bus service is the backbone of Britain.

I have been interviewed by a teaching agency and soon I may be called Ed Astill/ Mr Astill, 'Covering Supervisor' or 'Support Teacher'... I just need to scan over my certificates of qualifications and wait for my CRB thing to pass through. I want to inspire minds in some way... like Samuel L. Jackson in that film... but seriously I want to inspire minds.

The latest ambition I'm working up to is getting a house of some sort of residence that has a full on library... books and bookcases on each of the four walls and a comfy seat, perhaps a table also.

Within the next year I WILL skydive.

This is my 50th post this year... the same number of blog posts that I made during my first year of doing blogging... in my second year it was 42. More blog posts shall be made... and long may it continue.

Over and Out.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Ed's Thought(s) of Yesterday.

While I was walking between two villages yesterday (for various reasons) I was thinking about a storytelling medium that I could potentially live without.

The storytelling types that I thought while I was walking went thusly and so on,

1. Books.
2. The Theater.
3. Comics.
4. Oral Storytelling.
5. Television series and Film.
6. Radio.

Obviously humans need stories through some means. Which one could I live without? I came to the conclusion that television will have to go if push comes to shove. This was my line of thinking...

If you think about it television series and films are just ebooks of the theatre... 

I say they are ebooks of the theatre because television is the electric version of the theatre just as  kindles are the electric version of the book...

So basically television stuff and films are merely extensions of theatrical performances on stage (but have the obvious differences that are part of the television/film storytelling medium).

So basically I could still get a similar experience from the theater and watching a play and still be highly enriched...

You may also be thinking... but what about if you want those ongoing series that you get on television? You can't go to the theater every week as the actors and actresses would have to learn a new ongoing script all the time. Well the answer to ongoing series are comic books and the radio. Comics are just as visual and radio is also good... plus it encourages you to use the imagination a bit differently because you invoke the scene in your head with a little visual stimulation...

So television would have to go I suppose.

And to finish this post I am currently reading 'The Historian' by Elizabeth Kostova.

Peace Out.

Over and Out.