Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Proof of my Gypsy Ancestry (In Bullet Points)

  • My Mum has curly black hair and has tanned skin even when it is winter. My Grandpa also had black hair and tanned easily...pretty Romani if you ask me.
  • During the weekend I was given a charm by my mother who said the trick was to rub it in order to get luck...
  • When my Mum and Dad were going out before they were married my Dad would stay at the Pick house for the weekend (Pick was my mothers maiden name). My Grandad made a traditional meal from the remnants of the Sunday meal, making all the left overs into a stew. Guess what the stew was was called Jippo.
  • My grandmother told me about gypsies that live near to the house where she lives.
  • My Dad was working in his office one day when an actual gypsy came in and asked to read his fortune. I can't remember the whole story but she said that my Dad would live until he was ninety two.....coincidence...well yes but I just wanted to mention it.
  • The Pick family attraction to the mystical. There are certain traits like putting 20 pences under Buddha statuettes to get good luck, having a general interest in the mystical type things.
  • My uncle travelling around in a canal boat, going around the country.
  • Uh...I like gypsies.

One day I am going to look at both sides of the family properly. I bet you I will find gypsy blood somewhere. The evidence is out there.

Over and Out.

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