Monday, January 17, 2011


Twistybach exists within a remote part of Wales, a place nestled in a wild, mountainous region of wild lands, uninhabited by loud noises, bright street lights of the city or the stress and strife of normal life. In the words of my mother, Twistybach is a 'time out of time'.
This was the same place that was mentioned in an earlier blog, when the event of Twistyfest took place. This post is to show the wonders of this area of Wales, a place of enchantment and overeating...we ate a lot.

Above is a view of Twisty from the top of one of the steep fields. The house on the left is (as you have no doubt assumed) Twistybach. Look at that. There is nothing for miles.
It was on the afternoon of the second day of our visit that my sister Hannah and I decided to go for a walk. The pictures that follow are the result of my sister's snappings.

Here is one of the first snaps of the walk. There is not much to say about this. There is me...mountains...uh...and a gate. Lovely.

These pictures show the haunted cottage which is a five minute walk from Twistybach. It had changed since I last saw it, becoming more of a ruin than it had been before. It can really spark your imagination. Who lived here? It would be such a wonderful thing if someone tried to fix it up, maybe not exactly for a house but for... something.
There is another horse to my right that is out of shot with a funny hair cut... in fact here is the horse...
I have never seen a horse like this one. He looks like Jim Carey in the film, Dumb and Dumber.

We went back to the house and read our books...not necessarily by the fire but just reading wherever there was a seat to be found (as the below picture may make you believe).

Later in the day we sat down and ate a massive meal and after that we played card and board games....and we took a few pictures of the below scene. This is the version that seems to be of the good enough quality.

A great weekend in the magical misty valleys.

Over and Out.

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