Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My brother is a year older, a family gathering and a quiz with curious questions.

I shall relate to you three events in my life in no particular order that I have experienced between this post and the 'I love Interpol' post that came before this.

Yesterday (August 10th) my brother turned twenty two. He has glasses by the way. I am the only male in the household that doesn't have glasses and also the only male that actually wants them...oh yeah and his name is Thomas...or Tom (other nicknames include Astill, Pastill, Ryan Stiles, Harry Potter and T. Whenever we are all watching television, if anyone happens to be wearing glasses or is tall we say that it looks like's why he is called Ryan Stiles.)
My brother is a bit of a boffin know- it- all when it comes to building mechanical stuff so he got a clock building kit (we're all boffins in one particular field in this family).Then there was also a book on cars (I just went into his room and he said that it was in fact TWO car books that he got.) My parents bought him an amazing ukelele shaped like those 'V' shaped guitars that you sometimes see. Oh yeah and he got a nuclear bomb as well but I may just have lied about that one.
He got a Toy Story cake which I ate (this time I ate the cake and the icing at the same time...very unlike me). I then got some Halo X Box action from my brother where he 'pawned me' as non-gentlemen gaming fellows would say.

Once every year my extended family on my fathers side have a golf day in which we all go and play golf and then gather at the house of the winner of the previous year. We even have prizes at the end. We celebrate the event in the name of coming together as a family and to remember my grandparents who brought about an explosion of the Astill family. In our family there are roughly eighty something people who all came from my grandparents. There was my grandparents, who brought my uncles and aunts into the world and then came everybody else. Now we are a massive family that live all around the place, dominating the world...and is still growing.
My twin sister and mother left the house about two o'clock to look after the kids and meet people early. My father, my brother and I stayed at home because we couldn't play golf. My sister was at work at the time. But anyway eventually my sister got back, my dad had a shower or three and we left for the evening meal. A pleasant evening. Every time I go I am surprised to see the children...they all seemed very Aryan, bright blonde hair and blue eyes. I was like that until my body decided that my hair should be brown.

Here is the last event to all who have read this far. Munchy and Dave (who you may know if you were a regular reader) and I went to the local pub of Munchy in order to take part in my first ever pub quiz. A few hours past and we came about seventh in the end. I'm fine with that. I believe the first prize was £10. It was fun anyway and none of us were desperately trying to win anyway. Dave and I went back to the Munchy residence and stayed until the next day, watchng a film and then leaving.

I believe that is it.

Have a goodun as they say.
Over and Out.

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